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By Cliff Despres SaludToday Of the 106 players on the Atlanta and New England NFL rosters in this weekend’s Super Bowl, only one appears to have Latino heritage—Patriots’ long snapper Joe Cardona. Only 26 of 1,696 NFL players were Latino…

By Lance Wallace Futurity   Since social scientists and economists began measuring poverty, its definition has never strayed far from a discussion of income. Now, new research shows there are multiple components of poverty that more accurately describe a household’s…

By Rachel Harrison Futurity Teachers communicate with parents based on their racial and immigrant backgrounds—not just their child’s academic performance—research finds. “The patterns of communication we saw are consistent with stereotypes that teachers may subscribe to different racial and…

By Cliff Despres SaludToday   The United States is home to 24 million workers of Hispanic descent. These workers, often referred to as a single entity, come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, each with their own unique labor…