Latina Lista >

Obed Manuel Latina Lista   5. Latinos care about the environment About 70 percent of Latinos say they believe global warming is a threat and is caused by human activity. By comparison, just 44 percent of whites and 56…

By Natalie Gross Latino Ed Beat   The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics has launched a digital campaign to highlight the impact of Latino teachers and hopefully to attract more Latinos to the teaching profession.  The…

By Obed Manuel Latina Lista   5. Not enough of us maintain a healthy diet According to the latest findings by the State of Obesity, 77 percent of adult Latinos in the U.S. are obese or overweight. The report…

By Steve Koppes Futurity   A new study of more than 500 black and Latino college students confirms that many encounter obstacles after enrolling in college without adequate financial resources. “This project focuses on black and Latino students because…

By Farah Z. Ahmad and Tiffany D. Miller Center for American Progress Today’s students will be tomorrow’s workers. As such, high student achievement is the benchmark, not only for an individual’s prosperity, but also for the prosperity of the…