Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: Spreading the ability to speak English in El Salvador through donated “English Kits”

Crowdfunder: Spreading the ability to speak English in El Salvador through donated “English Kits”

LatinaLista —

Campaign: The English Kit

English language ability is extremely important to El Salvador’s economy. There is a huge call center industry, which provides fluent speakers the opportunity to earn over 3 times the country’s minimum wage.

Tourism is also on the rise, as El Salvador has some of the best surfing beaches in the world. However, local hotels and guides lack fluent English speakers who can cater to American and European tourists.

Additionally, encouraging education is the BEST way to combat the gang problem in El Salvador. Keeping students busy and interested in school is key to avoiding gang recruiters who want to use younger children and teens to carry out the worst crimes.

Finally, providing educational and professional opportunities in the third world is the best tool againt fighting illegal immigration to the U.S. and other affluent countries.

The English Kit project began after Sarah Brady noticed a general lack of English knowledge and speaking ability among students who have been taking English classes through their local schools. Many schools have NO English materials, and still many schools have not established an English program.

The English Kit project directly supports these schools by providing materials, teacher training and support to help schools begin a new English program or improve a current one.

English Kits include flashcards, games and worksheets. The kit comes with a material guide and activities that use the materials to promote English speaking and listening within the classroom.

Kits are donated and delivered by project creators. When they donate the kits, they also spend time with the teachers, demonstrating how to be more dynamic in the classroom and how to use the materials to illicit maximum learning and participation in class.

The methology behind the materials involves participation, speaking and body movements by the students. This makes English more exciting. The students have fun and become interested in the language. This approach also improves comprehension and retention.

The English Kit is for students from kindergarten to adults.

The campaign’s goal is $500.00

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