
August 19, 2020

A new bipartisan Senate report reveals how Trump and his close allies actually did what the Mueller Report found – and lied under oath to protect themselves from being discovered for having contact with the Russians during the 2016…


February 21, 2020

Revelations of how deeply corrupt and lawless the Trump administration actually is ceases to surprise us anymore as much as it viscerally disgusts those of us who truly understand the history of our democracy, the ideals that have stood…

By Milenko Martinovich Futurity Housing, employment, and health are three domains with “profound racial and ethnic inequalities” in the United States, report researchers. The continuing disparities in home ownership in the US may best illustrate some of the inequities…

By Lance Wallace Futurity   Since social scientists and economists began measuring poverty, its definition has never strayed far from a discussion of income. Now, new research shows there are multiple components of poverty that more accurately describe a household’s…