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October 22, 2020

Whether we’re living it or reading about it, the reality of the inequities in our society, highlighted by the pandemic, are getting worse and Latino farmworkers are among the frontline workers who know firsthand how deadly racism can be;…


October 30, 2019

Though Halloween isn’t until tomorrow, here’s an early treat: Taco Bell is giving away a free DORITOS® LOCOS tacos all day today online or via their app. In other news, as Trump shamefully attacks the latest patriot witness calling…


October 25, 2019

The nation should feel the depth of shame and heartache caused by the Trump’s admin policy of separating children. It is worse than we thought; Awesome news that students are registering to vote in record numbers but if GOP…


October 24, 2019

U.S. immigration policy continues to be source of shame. The latest revelations about teen immigrants and a Marine Corps vet should be enough to make people realize that the term ‘immigrant’ is not an abstract concept but is all…