Latina Lista > Media > Videos > Video: Another deportation rips apart yet another family with a young child growing up too fast

Video: Another deportation rips apart yet another family with a young child growing up too fast

LatinaLista — On a day when the story of 10-year-old Stephanie Pucheta’s heartbreaking story of the deportation of her father made cyber-headlines, another story of how current immigration policies is separating families comes to the big screen in the documentary “Two Americans.”

Again, the story revolves around a young child separated from her parents.

The parents of 9-year-old Katherine Figueroa are arrested when America’s Toughest Sheriff raids a Phoenix carwash suspected of hiring illegal workers. As young Kathy fights to save her parents from deportation, a community group succeeds in pressuring the County Board to investigate Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s spending priorities. When the sheriff retaliates against his political foes, his actions spark outrage, and a federal investigation.

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