Latina Lista >

By Juan Miret LatinaLista The typical image of an American soldier is that of a strong, blond hair and blue-eyed male. That could be part of the script to a predictable war movie. However, the American armed forces are…

By Sarah Inés Calderón Más Wired The number of Latinos listening to online radio has almost doubled in the past year, according to a report. The Media Audit just released a report that found that a total of 32.7%…

By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat A Florida scholarship program known as Bright Futures may soon no longer have such a sunny reputation. Recently announced eligibility requirement changes mean that significantly fewer Latino and black students will qualify…


Viernes Video: La Verdad

LatinaLista — What would happen in a world dependent on Super Heroes to save the day if all the Super Heroes were killed and the villains went on a crime spree? The comic book-based web series La Verdad shows…