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By Sophia Dembling Saving Places   Adina De Zavala’s indignation over a 1912 San Antonio Express editorial explodes from every typewritten word: “The painful ignorance of the history of Texas, and of the Alamo, exhibited by the writers of…

By Michael Lohmuller InSight Crime   In its 2015 annual drug assessment, the DEA emphasizes Mexico cartel dominance of the US drug market, highlighting the growing strength of the Jalisco Cartel.  Chuck Rosenberg, the Acting Administrator of the Drug…

LatinaLista — Though Mexicans know that their democracy extends only to the limits of criticizing their public officials, it isn't enough to deter some people. The latest assassination victim for criticizing public officials is 31-year-old college student José Luis Rodríguez…

By Stephanie Livingston Futurity   The picture most people have of ancient Maya civilizations—royalty and elaborate temples—isn’t broad enough, researchers say. But now, ancient bones are hinting at the lives of the other 99 percent—the Maya middle class. “When…