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October 2, 2019

The case of two bans. The difference between what FL and NY just banned couldn’t be more polar opposite and underscores how the fight for the moral soul of the country is Right vs. Left; Why watch Sunday morning…


September 30, 2019

Did we really need a study to say that some Latinos pay this much of their salaries to rent?; Biden is looking otra vez to Latinos to help push him to win the nomination. Will he succeed?; and Los…


September 26, 2019

From the now infamous Ukranian call, we get affirmation that the modus operandi of this President is to strong-arm foreign leaders to get his way. So, Honduras is the latest country to sign an asylum agreement. It should make…

September 18, 2019

Is the Congressional Hispanic Caucus finally recognizing Latina voters with its newest initiative?; We knew there would be consequences when Trump froze aid to Guatemala, and now it begins.; Are UFO sightings on the increase? Well, it’s enough for…

Ancient Origins   Archaeologists have unearthed a 1,700-year-old intact tomb in Mexico where they found the skulls and other bones of twelve male adults, as well as pre-Columbian figurines and statues.  Each of the figures was sculpted from fine…

By Gillian Kiley Futurity   The Grolier Codex, an ancient document that is among the rarest books in the world, has been regarded with skepticism since it was reportedly unearthed by looters from a cave in Chiapas, Mexico, in…

By Zachary Cohen Council on Hemispheric Affairs In the 1960s, Mexican migrant farm workers within the United States endured countless challenges including low wages, inhumane conditions, and a lack of political rights. However, the actions of multiple labor unions…

By James Urton Futurity   Each fall, monarch butterflies across Canada and the United States turn their colorful wings toward the Rio Grande and migrate more than 2,000 miles to the relative warmth of central Mexico. The journey, repeated instinctively by generations…