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June 19, 2020

The CDC just released new data about coronavirus — and it’s really bad news for Latinos; So, DREAMers got a reprieve from the Supreme Court. What’s next?; 12 charts show just where racial disparities exist, and it’s not pretty;…


March 12, 2020

Unlike what Trump wants us all to believe, the coronavirus is not the flu. According to CDC, it is 10 times deadlier. In last night’s address from the Oval Office, Trump announced a ban on travel from mainland Europe….


February 25, 2020

Wrapping up his trip to India, Trump held a press conference (though his White House hasn’t had a press briefing in 300+ days and that’s unprecedented; The Conversation). During his briefing, Trump made it known he didn’t like what…


February 24, 2020

In these times, when Trump can (blatantly) manipulate the system to get his friends off the judicial hook, the consolation was that, at least, there was one court that couldn’t be compromised. A new revelation over the weekend just…


November 14, 2019

Discouraging news trickled from the Supreme Court yesterday that there may not be much hope for DACA survival. However, whatever the decision, it won’t be ruled on until AFTER the nation votes for President. Couple that nugget with analysis…


November 13, 2019

There’s a growing fear that robots and AI will take jobs & pose other kinds of threats to society. Yet, when a ruling body making a life-changing decision through a narrow lens void of compassion then we don’t have…


November 12, 2019

Today is ‘D Day’ for thousands of undocumented young people who were raised believing they were ‘American,’ though what that term really means these days is elusive. For instance, the AP reports that the US, once a defender of…

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November 11, 2019

A new study highlights something most Latinos already know: we worry a lot. Is it any wonder? Whether it’s 700,000 immigrants lighting candles that the Supreme Court looks kindly on DACA; Or mass shootings or the increasing unaffordability of…