The CDC just released new data about coronavirus — and it’s really bad news for Latinos; So, DREAMers got a reprieve from the Supreme Court. What’s next?; 12 charts show just where racial disparities exist, and it’s not pretty;…
Unlike what Trump wants us all to believe, the coronavirus is not the flu. According to CDC, it is 10 times deadlier. In last night’s address from the Oval Office, Trump announced a ban on travel from mainland Europe….
Wrapping up his trip to India, Trump held a press conference (though his White House hasn’t had a press briefing in 300+ days and that’s unprecedented; The Conversation). During his briefing, Trump made it known he didn’t like what…
In these times, when Trump can (blatantly) manipulate the system to get his friends off the judicial hook, the consolation was that, at least, there was one court that couldn’t be compromised. A new revelation over the weekend just…
Discouraging news trickled from the Supreme Court yesterday that there may not be much hope for DACA survival. However, whatever the decision, it won’t be ruled on until AFTER the nation votes for President. Couple that nugget with analysis…
There’s a growing fear that robots and AI will take jobs & pose other kinds of threats to society. Yet, when a ruling body making a life-changing decision through a narrow lens void of compassion then we don’t have…
Today is ‘D Day’ for thousands of undocumented young people who were raised believing they were ‘American,’ though what that term really means these days is elusive. For instance, the AP reports that the US, once a defender of…
A new study highlights something most Latinos already know: we worry a lot. Is it any wonder? Whether it’s 700,000 immigrants lighting candles that the Supreme Court looks kindly on DACA; Or mass shootings or the increasing unaffordability of…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Is the Constitution at stake in this year’s election?
By Patrick Wiseman The Conversation If Senate Republicans are true to their word, the next president of the United States will nominate Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement. Given the age of several other members of the Supreme Court and rumors…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Affirmative Action, #BeckyWithTheBadGrades and Latino Students
By Natalie Gross Latino Ed Beat If you haven’t yet heard of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the use of race as a factor in college admissions, you may have at least seen the #BeckyWithTheBadGrades buzz on Twitter…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Supreme Court’s indecision creates more “Shattered Families”
By Rinku Sen When the immigration, criminal justice and child welfare systems collide in a family’s life, deported parents are too often unable to hold on to their children. Five years ago, Race Forward (then the Applied…
Politics, zNew Headline
Reaction round-up to Supreme Court’s deadlock decision on immigration executive actions
LatinaLista — The Supreme Court of the United States, or SCOTUS, as it’s known by its acronym, delivered a setback but not defeat to President Obama’s executive actions expanding deportation deferment of DREAMers (DACA) and undocumented parents of American-born children…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: States’ argument to deport the undocumented is a lesson in manipulating language for political gain
By Martha Rodriguez LatinaLista Interesting how recently Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller questions just how “discretionary” our government really is: He said so during Supreme Court arguments in defense of Texas, one of 26 states against President Obama’s executive…
Commentary, Political Commentary, Politics, Politics, Red, White & Azul, zNew Headline
Commentary: Latino Access to Meaningful Political Representation at Stake in “One Person, One Vote” U.S. Supreme Court Case
By NALEO Educational Fund LatinaLista Changes to how nation draws state legislative districts could result in approximately 55 percent of the Latino population being excluded if only eligible voters were counted. Less than one year away from Election…
Local News, Southwest, zNew Headline
Supreme Court urged not to intervene on bail for immigrant felony suspects
By Laurie Liles Cronkite News WASHINGTON – Opponents of an Arizona law that denies bail to felony suspects who are in this country illegally urged the Supreme Court on Monday to let stand a lower court ruling that overturns…
Local News, Southwest, zNew Headline
Supreme Court rejects Arizona’s appeal of law on harboring immigrants
By Mauro Whiteman Cronkite News Service WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court let stand a lower court ruling Monday that blocked an Arizona law that would make it a crime to harbor, transport or conceal an illegal immigrant. The…
Local News, Northeast, zNew Headline
Sonya Sotomayor Shares How She Lives In Her Two Worlds
By Wayne Jebian CTLatinoNews This past Monday, the students and faculty of the most exclusive university in the state – Yale – were privy to the thoughts of the first Latina admitted into the most exclusive club in the…
By Myrna Pérez Brennan Center for Justice On Tuesday, the Supreme Court dealt a hard blow to the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 — a law that political leaders from both sides of the aisle have called the…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voces: Constitutional Law Scholars sound off on Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action decision
LatinaLista — Affirmative Action has always been a contentious topic and the Supreme Court’s recent action in the Fisher v. University of Texas, at Austin doesn’t relieve the tension that surrounds it. In many ways, it just adds to…
Local News, Southwest, zNew Headline
Arizona’s Secretary of State Bennett vows to push for voter proof of citizenship, despite court ruling
By Evan Bell Cronkite News Service WASHINGTON – Voting and civil rights groups cheered a decision by the Supreme Court Monday that struck down an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship for voting. The court’s 7-2 ruling said Arizona’s…
By Andrew Cohen Brennan Center for Justice The law may sometimes lie in suspended animation — like it is now, today over voting rights — but politics always moves relentlessly ahead. So while the justices of the United States…
By Andrew Cohen Brennan Center for Justice The need for the Voting Rights Act will die, and it should die, on the day when Americans can say to one another with a straight face that racial discrimination in voting…
Palabra Final, Politics
The Voting Rights Act is a long way from being ‘racial entitlement’
LatinaLista — The yardstick used by Latino leaders to prove we have politically ‘arrived’ has been Latino voter registration and turnout at the polls. Unfortunately, that same measure of accomplishment is being used to prove to the Supreme Court…
General, Videos
Viernes Video: Latina domestic violence victim finds her extraordinary life subject of a new documentary
LatinaLista — Jessica Gonzalez is a mother and will always be mom to Rebecca (10), Katheryn (8), and Leslie (7). Though Jessica has gotten grayer over the years, her girls haven’t changed one bit. They will always be 10,…
Causes, Social Justice
Does affirmative action matter anymore on college campuses? New data says ‘yes’
LatinaLista — The debate over affirmative action in college admissions has been as devisive as the ones currently over immigration reform, healthcare reform or tax reform. The key word is ‘reform.’ Affirmative action has always been about reforming the status…