The practice of disinformation by the Trump administration will no doubt serve as the cornerstone of his legacy in US history. His extreme narcissistic behavior has tainted the credibility of information released by the federal government, ranging from health…
#PrayforVanessaGuillen.Strong rumors surfacing that the remains of missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen may have been found. Searches are being called off;That the United States has fallen so low in global leadership and standing isn’t just evident with the…
Even as the death rate from the coronavirus reaches new milestones, and many small business owners discovering they’ve been out maneuvered by big companies, with armies of lawyers, for a slice from any federal bailout, Trump’s administration has been…
Though we’re in self-isolation, many of us are thinking about Easter. In honor of this weekend, we’re serving up a basket of a dozen different headlines that touch on various issues, such as: Looking for Lysol? Here’s when we…
Local News, West, zNew Headline
San Francisco’s day laborers find jobs scarce
By Guadalupe González Mission Local It’s a bright Thursday morning and 10 men are outside the San Francisco Day Labor Program and Women’s Collective. Inside another 30 men sit in the waiting room. A few check e-mail and Facebook…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Latina Cubicle Confidential™ –Help Wanted—IF You’re Already Employed!
By Dr. Maria G. Hernandez Latina Cubicle Confidential™ It is the latest “ism” to be added to the long list of discriminatory practices that Corporate America just can’t stop making up. Racism, sexism, ageism, and homophobia must now make…
By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat A new study finds that American teens are finding it increasingly difficult to find work—creating a generation of disconnected youth. The Annie E. Foundation estimates that almost 6.5 million teens are out…
Life Issues, Youth
New report finds Latino and African American young people most disconnected from jobs and school in this bad economy
LatinaLista — Being a teen — stuck in those in-between years when you’re not really an adult but sure don’t feel like a kid — is harder than ever. It used to be that anyone over the age of…
Viernes Video: Latina actress co-creates new comedy web series about tough issue — unemployment LatinaLista — It’s long been known that a good laugh is the best medicine for hard times — and these are hard times for many in the country. With unemployment still high, being out of work would seem…
General, Life Issues
Hispanic Millennials and the Economy: Hit Hard, But Still Optimistic
Insight Tr3s The number one life goal among Hispanic Millennials is to have a successful career, according to the 2011 Maximo Report. But getting a start on that career is no easy feat: while young adults in general have…
LatinaLista — Everyone is suffering in this economy but until the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ February report spelled it out in numbers, the high degree of unemployment in the Latino community wasn’t truly appreciated. While national unemployment stands at…
Economy, General, Government, Money, Women
New report shows unemployment rate highest in 25 years for single female households
LatinaLista — The Institute for Women’s Policy Research released a report this week underscoring the inequality of the labor force when it comes to men and women. Aside from pay differences that still exist between the sexes, we now…
Children, Media, Parenting, Youth
Scholastic teams with child expert to create bilingual site helping children cope with hard economic times
LatinaLista — The unemployment rate is at a 25-year high. Every single day, stories emerge of companies laying off hundreds of people. The odds that a good number of these laid off people are family breadwinners is staggering” which…