Latina Lista > News > July 1, 2020

July 1, 2020

#PrayforVanessaGuillen.Strong rumors surfacing that the remains of missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen may have been found. Searches are being called off;That the United States has fallen so low in global leadership and standing isn’t just evident with the nation’s rising Coronavirus cases, accusations of human rights violations that has the United Nations concerned and increasing tensions with our allies and adversaries, but in the growing list of countries barring US visitors to their countries; Officials say the unemployment rate is far higher than reported and these groups are hit the hardest; and Chicano Literature just lost a Founding Father. Go beyond the headlines…

Human remains found during search for missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen

Puerto Rico to require negative COVID-19 tests from all airport arrivals

Survey Says Latino Parents Fear Police Violence

Spanish language increasingly more relevant to presidential elections

Spanish colonial monuments fuel racial strife in U.S. Southwest

Unemployment rate is higher than officially recorded, more so for women and certain other groups

Turning The Microphone Around On Idaho’s “Latino Card” Podcast

Rudolfo Anaya, A Founding Father Of Chicano Literature, Dies At 82

New app shows hidden flood risk for properties across the country

On Mexico’s Coast, Communities Unite to Keep Out Coronavirus

Health care collapses in Bolivia after coup regime reopens economy

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