Latina Lista > Columns & Features > Global Views > Mexico launches nationwide whistleblower initiative with MéxicoLeaks

Mexico launches nationwide whistleblower initiative with MéxicoLeaks

LatinaLista — Mexico, along with many countries in Latin America, is a country whose people routinely suffer from daily acts of impugnity exercised by local police, politicians, corporations, drug cartels, the wealthy, etc.

Past attempts to hold some of these perpetrators accountable — by bloggers, students, journalists or parents of missing children — has resulted in the assassinations of these whistleblowers. Yet, a new site launched today in Mexico wants to raise the bar on accountability and transparency in the country with MéxicoLeaks.

Based on the open source GlobaLeaks platform that serves as a digital foundation for anonymous whistleblowing initiatives, Méxicoleaks is a tool that allows people to safely send information they may have about corruption or crime and remain anonymous. Their information is sent to media outlets and organizations that would investigate their reports and publicize the findings, maximizing the publicity and attention deserved by the reports.

The platform isn’t affiliated with any government entity nor is it said to have a hidden agenda, but in keeping with the spirit of the creation of the software, the site is an effort to encourage citizen to take an active role in bringing more transparency, human rights awareness, justice and democratic freedoms to Mexico.

In less than five hours after launching online and on Twitter (@MexLeaks), MéxicoLeaks already has over 16,000 Twitter followers and growing.

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