Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Columns & Features > Global Views > Latina Lista links Latinas from south of the border

Latina Lista links Latinas from south of the border

LatinaLista — Visitors to Latina Lista know that this section of the site is all about my perspectives. But everyone should know that all Latinas, wherever they live, have a perspective to share.
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I’ve tried to do my small part in finding those Latinas who live south of the border, and who want to share their perspectives with those of us in the U.S., by giving them a voice on the site. Unfortunately, their section of the site, Linking Latinas, is too often overlooked by visitors to Latina Lista.
It’s readers’ loss to not know about the firsthand perspectives coming from such countries as Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Argentina and Chile that are featured in Linking Latinas.
I was reminded of that when I entered the latest entry from our Argentinian contributor Ana who wrote about a grass-roots radio station started and staffed by patients at a psychiatric mental institution in Buenos Aires. Then there’s Rocio’s perspective on the latest peace marches in Colombia against FARC, or our newest contributor from Chile, Arttemisa, who is an artist and teacher and who writes to help empower women in Chile against domestic violence and Mayra from Guatemala who worries about how her country will absorb all those deported from the United States.
We are still searching, inviting and adding voices to this site and it’s a fascinating journey. I invite you to take a look at Linking Latinas and learn a little more about our hermanas who live far from us but who are a lot closer than we realize.

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