Last night’s debate left many of us disgusted, disheartened and disillusioned, but the one thing it should have left us all with is the realization of how urgent it is to VOTE and VOTE FOR BIDEN, otherwise the future…
It’s clear that Trump’s legacy will be forever known as the most anti-immigrant administration in the history of the United States. In that vein, it’s no surprise that his administration is pushing to expand their ban against anti-racism training…
News outlets are seeing truth and facts mean little to Trump’s camp. Their proof? Trump staff keep spreading manipulated videos of Joe Biden, while Trump tries to advance his own conspiracy theory about Biden; TikTok teens are taking full…
With every racist, nonsensical utterance by Trump, it’s understandable that the nation yearns for a decent, intelligent, compassionate and empathetic leader. Last night’s Democratic National Convention’s finale showcased former Vice-President Joe Biden emergence as ‘his own man’ and the…
As Trump and the countless COVID-19 conspiracy theorists are pushing pathetically ridiculous “cure” videos, the sad reality is that there is no cure and, according to a new study, Latinos and Blacks are apt to die disproportionately in these…
A new week brings a revision of information of what keeps us safe in these scary times. Now, the CDC is saying that the 6-feet mandatory social distancing may not be far enough and we all have to start…
Fears of contracting the coronavirus is spreading around the world and has now reached our southern border; The Supreme Court’s decision on DACA has farther reaching implications than anyone thinks; With every earth-shaking tremor, Puerto Rico in danger of…
Ever since the world learned of the heinous separation of migrant parents from their children happening courtesy of the Trump administration, most people felt a sense of overwhelming sadness, outrage and helplessness. Bless the lawyers who stepped up to…
Want to know what will happen in 2020? Look to state polls for the answer Department of Homeland Security sends out new terrorism threat bulletin in wake of Soleimani killing To Produce Citizenship Data, Homeland Security To Share Records…
Finally, Washington heard the pleas for help from farmers; Idaho wants to help Latino students succeed in school and are starting with a redesign; Can Republicans save one of its last Latina congresswoman?; Believe in UFOs? Now, we all…
New audit reveals the trauma experienced by detained migrant children is deepening and worsening. This is Trump-sanctioned child abuse; So, Trump says Puerto Rico has received millions of dollars in aid. Yet, why is the island still waiting for…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
United States Foreign Policy Harms Women’s Reproductive Rights Around the World: The Impact on Latin America
By Taylor Lewis Council on Hemispheric Affairs The United States Government’s Reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy With the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump on January 20, 2017, new challenges have emerged in the fight for women’s…
NewsMundo, zNew Headline
Mexico’s indigenous paying the price for U.S. call to stop Central American migrants
By Nancy Landa LatinaLista It was on September 3, 2015 that Alberto and his two sisters, Amy and Esther, decided to leave Chiapas, Mexico. For the sisters, it was the first time they had left the town where they…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: U.S.-based relatives of 10-yr-old in Guatemala stricken with brain tumor strive to not let borders interfere with getting help
LatinaLista — Campaign: Help Us Save Our Champion Marcos Marcos Alejandro Castellans is 10 years old and lives in Chimaltenango, Guatemala with parents and an older brother. After several months of feeling severe exhaustion and weakness, as well as,…
Video/Art/Podcast, Videos, zNew Headline
Video: Femicide documentary raises alarm over escalating gender-based violence
LatinaLista — In 2013, Latina Lista shared the story of a feature-length documentary about to be released that dealt with the femicide epidemic in Guatemala. Justice for My Sister followed one Guatemalan woman, as she battled a machismo culture and a gender-biased…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Guatemalan voters aren’t clowning around though we just elected one
By Mayra Beltrán de Daetz LatinaLista (Editor’s Note: On October 25,2015, Guatemalans went to the polls to vote for their country’s next president after a series of events highlighting the country’s level of corruption was exposed when Guatemalan officials…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Helping the victims of Guatemala landslide
LatinaLista — Campaign: 450 missing, 125 houses buried, 131 deaths,36 hurt Marie Anne Hale is a 24-year-old student at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala and is passionate about her country. On Thursday, October 1, almost 600 people went…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Mayan-made loafers share Guatemala’s culture and history with the world
LatinaLista — Campaign: Ichor SS Guatemala’s distinctive textiles are recognized the world over. Ever since Juan Fernando Tschen was a child in Guatemala, the textiles and products made in the country amazed him and he wondered why these art…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Guatemala’s Asociacion Mujb ‘abl ‘yol celebrates graduation of 40 community journalists
Cultural Survival On August 22, 2015 Asociacion Mujb’ abl ‘yol celebrated the closure of a 9-month series of workshops and trainings for 40 community radio volunteers on “Democracy, Development and Community Media.” The project was partially funded by DEMOS…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Helping poor Guatemalans have a safe place for their young children as they work
LatinaLista — Campaign: Reopen the ‘hogar comunitario’ After an amazing experience last year working as a volunteer in Nepal, Irene López Gutiérrez decided to repeat it this summer. She organized a trip to Guatemala – Parramos, in the region…
Videos, zNew Headline
Video: Getting to know the courageous women of Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico fighting for peace and social justice
LatinaLista — In December 2014, the Nobel Women’s Initiative launched a three-part mini documentary series spotlighting the women of Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico who have committed their lives to fighting for human rights. Women Crossing the Line, provides the…
NewsMundo, zNew Headline
Guatemalan millennials create to inform voters about upcoming presidential election but need funds to finish
LatinaLista — Compared to its surrounding Latin American neighbors, Guatemala is a small-big country. A little over 15 million people, known as Guatemaltecos, live in country rich with biodiversity and archeological treasures. Guatemala, straddling the borders of Mexico, Honduras,…
By German A. Ospina Council on Hemispheric Affairs In a 2012 interview with Inter Press Service, Dr. Mirna Montenegro of the Observatorio de Salud Reproductiva (Sexual and Reproductive Health Observatory; OSAR), an organization that monitors Guatemala’s public policy on…
Global Views, zNew Headline
Though among the most deported, U.S.-based Guatemalans increasing remittances home
By Anna Bevan LatinaLista The small village of Horcones sits at the end of a pot-holed road in Jutiapa, south-eastern Guatemala. Around 40 percent of the population is dedicated to producing livestock, earning an income that is not reflected…
Global Views, zNew Headline
Guatemala’s newest “Embassy” gives residents of gang-plagued neighborhood equal chance at finding a job
LatinaLista — Gang violence is a given negative for any community — diminished property values, random street violence, increase in petty crime — the list goes on but rarely is it heard that neighborhood gang violence actually keeps people…