Latina Lista >


September 25, 2020

The nation, yet again, is being dragged into Trump’s chaotic vision of how he wants to see his role in the country. Basically, he strives to be someone who is untouchable, commands armies of empty-minded followers and reaps profit…


September 2, 2020

According to Dr. Fauci, we have entered a new “Age of Pandemics.” Yet, people are still skeptical of COVID-19 death rates. One cognitive scientist explains how that’s possible; US government is pushing to get even more personal info from…


August 26, 2020

Sadly, the body of missing Latino Fort Hood soldier, Elder Fernandes, was found last night by railroad tracks. Initial reports reveal he had been dead for a few days. The circumstances around his death deserve continued public outcry and…


August 17, 2020

This week is the official start of the 2020 presidential election campaign season. The historic, first-ever virtual political convention kicks off tonight with the Democrats hosting the 4-day Democratic National Convention. Televised in primetime on the major networks, the…


July 28, 2020

Coronavirus cases keep rising and the GOP keeps pushing for life to get back to pre-pandemic levels. However, the only way we can do that is for an effective vaccine. Today is the start of the biggest COVID-19 study…


July 15, 2020

In one of those ‘doh’ moments, a new Pew survey finds majority of Americans feel this way about the state of the country; Disheartening news about the pace of voter registrations — for one party; Could Congress see its…


April 29,2020

While social media — think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc — are heralded as keeping people connected, it’s clearer just how it’s used to divide us. Case in point: social media is the main engine for driving misinformation about the…


March 30, 2020

One would think that any rational person would see the news coverage of what happened in Italy, Spain and New York City and be convinced that social distancing and sheltering-in-place, as much as possible, are the only real ways…


March 2, 2020

There was hope at the end of last week for migrants denied waiting in the US for asylum requests. Yet, at the 11th hour, the DOJ intervened and guess what happened; The 2020 Census is now online; The US…


February 25, 2020

Wrapping up his trip to India, Trump held a press conference (though his White House hasn’t had a press briefing in 300+ days and that’s unprecedented; The Conversation). During his briefing, Trump made it known he didn’t like what…


February 18, 2020

As the favorites in the Democratic race for the 2020 presidential nomination begin to break away from the pack (check out the latest poll), pundits are looking at Latinos to lead the way in making the pivotal choice and…


November 26, 2019

Almost every headline touts Joe Biden as the frontrunner among Latino voters. That could be the reason why Latino outreach has taken a back burner to other campaign outreach efforts. Whatever the reason, it was enough for Biden’s senior…


October 24, 2019

U.S. immigration policy continues to be source of shame. The latest revelations about teen immigrants and a Marine Corps vet should be enough to make people realize that the term ‘immigrant’ is not an abstract concept but is all…


October 10, 2019

As if Trump wasn’t busy enough inflicting pain on the world, he now takes aim at DREAMers and wants the Supreme Court to listen to him; Speaking of Trump, the news network he considered his personal propaganda machine just…

LatinaLista —  Six teams of students representing six universities throughout Chile participated in the first-ever Build Solar 2015 (Construye Solar) competition. With an emphasis on raising public awareness of sustainable construction techniques, each “eco-casa” incorporated elements of recycled products…