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Help Wanted: Bilingual Teachers Critical to Connecticut’s Future

By Christina Rose


When the O’Brien STEM Academy in East Hartford, Conn. has an opening for an elementary teaching position, they typically get at least 50 qualified applicants. Sometimes, the administration must wade through well over 100 candidates, allowing them to choose the cream of the crop as their new hire.

Filling a job opening for a bilingual elementary educator, however, has been a different story.

O’Brien Principal Lesley Morgan Thompson said only three people have applied for the position, and only one applicant had a bilingual endorsement.

“This is a critically important position for our school, because we serve many Spanish-speaking students and their families,” she said in an email. “There is a critical need for more bilingual teachers in Connecticut.”

For Latino parents hoping for an excellent bilingual experience for their child, there are things they need to know. Whether a school embraces bilingual education can be the difference between a high school diploma and a high school dropout…

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