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Young Delaware Latino professionals band together “Unleashing Dreams”

By Maria Luna-Medina
El Tiempo Hispano


In the early spring of 2015 a group of young Latino Professionals decided to form a group with a mission to motivate, inspire, and educate the Hispanic youth in their community to help them explore new frontiers they never believed possible.

With this mission Anthony Bernal, Dalila Sandoval, Yescenia Bernal, Maria Luna-Medina, Yoseline Ruiz, Jorge Ruiz, Carlos Castañeda, and Israel Lopez made their own dream a reality by establishing the group “Desatando Sueños” (“Unleashing Dreams”).

This group started at St. John-Holy Angels Church in Newark, DE with mentorship and guidance of their priest Father Carlos Ochoa. With his support, Desatando Sueños was able to present its mission to the Latino youth at the church. During a leadership session with the Student Life Counselor at Delaware Technical Community College, Mike McCloskey, presented a challenge to the group to broaden their own horizons and embark on an innovating project.

The goal of the project was to challenge and inspire Hispanic students to surpass all of life’s obstacles to reach their full potential. To celebrate Hispanic Heritage month, Del Tech supported Desatando Sueños by sponsoring the event that was held on Saturday, September 26 2015.

Numerous high school students, college freshmen, and their parents were in attendance. Students were divided from the parents, and simultaneous presentations were held covering topics relevant to each audience. During the student's session, topics covered included: overview of opportunities available at Del Tech, tips about getting through college successfully and life after college with a professional career.

Students had an opportunity to hear from two great keynote speakers…

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