Latina Lista > Culture > Books > Video: YA author Kami Garcia turns fascination with paranormal into bestsellers

Video: YA author Kami Garcia turns fascination with paranormal into bestsellers

LatinaLista — Young adult author Kami Garcia isn’t shy to say that she absolutely believes in ghosts and loves everything paranormal. While some people might be embarrassed to make such public confessions, Garcia is confessing all the way to the bank. It’s because of her interest in the paranormal that has led this teacher-turned-author to be the best-selling urban fantasy author she is today.

The co-author of The Beautiful Creatures Novels & author of Unbreakable (The Legion Series, 2013), Garcia shares how her fascination with ghosts and secret societies and everything that “goes bump in the night” come together to consistently create books that not only young adults love to read but also send chills down the spines of a few adults too.

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