Latina Lista > Culture > Video: Dad & Daughter Duo Share “A Dicho A Day”

Video: Dad & Daughter Duo Share “A Dicho A Day”

LatinaLista — Loida Casares is a loving mom, talented writer and blogger and an enterprising entrepreneur. Yet, of all the hats Loida balances these days, it’s her role as daughter that has unexpectedly brought new meaning into this 40-year-old Latina’s life.

About a year ago, Loida’s elderly father, Nicolas, came to live with her and life as daughter/caregiver has created a whole new set of experiences for Loida, who shares her adventures on her blog.

As Loida writes:

Since my dad moved in with me a year ago my life has completely changed. Having an elderly man like my dad live with me is like having a teenager and a third kid. It reminds me of the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” except that my dad is aging in the right order but mentally he’s returning to his youth. I say this because he’s an adult man who has led a full life full of a lot of experiences, yet now that he’s getting older he’s forgetting the most simple things and getting confused easily.

But there’s one thing he hasn’t forgotten — his love of dichos (Spanish sayings.) Loida explains that her dad used to write down every dicho he could remember learning from his own father. To keep those dichos alive, not to mention his memory, Loida and her dad started a special project they call “Dicho a Day.”

Every week, Loida videotapes her dad reciting a dicho, followed by Loida translating it in English and explaining its meaning. They’ve even created a YouTube Channel showcasing the videos.

Every week, Latina Lista will feature a new “Dicho a Day” video to share and do our part to keep that cultural memory alive for all generations.

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