Latina Lista > Culture > Film > Filmmaker resurrects 30-year-old film on Cesar Chavez

Filmmaker resurrects 30-year-old film on Cesar Chavez

LatinaLista — The phrase “Si se puede” has been used so much in the last couple of years that it has become almost a cliche. Though most know the term originated with Cesar Chavez, most people have forgotten how or why — until now, thanks to a filmmaker named Rick Tejeda-Flores.


In an e-mail to Latina Lista, Tejeda-Flores writes, “Many years ago, Cesar Chavez went on a fast in Arizona in response to an unjust labor law. I was a young filmmaker working for the UFW at the time. With my partner Gayanne Fietinghoff, I documented the fast in the film Si Se Puede! This was the birth of the historic phrase, that …was reborn as Yes We Can.

“The film has not been available for over 30 years. I have finally put up a website to make it available. All profits from sales will go to the Cesar Chavez Foundation to support their important work. The website is I hope you can take a look at the site, and help me spread the word that this piece of history is available again.”

The 45-minute video is available for $29.95 plus shipping and offers viewers a historical yet intimate look at a man who has been heralded as one of the most inspirational Latino leaders of all time.

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