Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Anti-incumbent mood doesn’t seem to extend to female political incumbents

Anti-incumbent mood doesn’t seem to extend to female political incumbents

LatinaLista — The new favorite “electoral” issue to discuss in the media seems to be polls measuring the “anti-incumbent” mood of the people.


In fact, whenever incumbent politicians were interviewed by the national anchors, the conversation always drifted to the question: “Just how afraid are you of losing your seat due to the anti-incumbent mood in the country?”

New Mexico could have their first Latina governor in state’s history when Dona Ana County District Attorney Susana Martinez (r) faces off against Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, (l) in November.

Of course, this anti-incumbent theory is perpetuated by the Tea Party activists whose platform is to basically “clean house” in Washington. Yet, this so-called anti-incumbent mood isn’t completely accurate.

While male incumbent politicians have lost their seats in Congress in this year’s elections, the women have fared much better. In fact, according to a tally by Rutger’s Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), it appears (after a quick scan) that all of the women incumbents won their primaries.

And that’s not all.

CAWP reports that there will be more “Woman-vs-Woman” races around the country this November.

In addition to former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (R) meeting Senator Barbara Boxer (D) in the race for California’s U.S. Senate seat in November, there will be New Mexico’s race where the two leading political candidates for governor are both women.

Also, four other states will have women candidates competing for the same office. And a host of other states have a number of female candidates in the running for state and national office.

With the female incumbents’ success of winning their races, perhaps the message isn’t that people are fed up with Washington incumbents — they’re just fed up with the men.

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  • Grandma
    June 9, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    I know Susana Martinez and I think she’d make a great governor. She’ll get my vote. She’s promised to reverse decisions made by Governor Richardson such as driver’s licenses for illegals and tuition for illegals to attend college in NM. She also agrees with the new law passed in Arizona.

  • Alonzo
    June 9, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    “Of course, this anti-incumbent theory is perpetuated by the Tea Party activists whose platform is to basically “clean house” in Washington.”
    That’s funny, but that was also an excuse that the Democrats used when the Republican candidates beat their Democrat opponent in the New Jersey governorship and Kennedy’s senate seat. It’s obvious that you are just using the Tea Party, a group you dislike, as a whipping boy to make your point. This incumbancy argument seems to be far more univeral as a scapegoat for political waterloos than you assert.

  • Alonzo
    June 14, 2010 at 5:48 am

    “With the female incumbents’ success of winning their races, perhaps the message isn’t that people are fed up with Washington incumbents — they’re just fed up with the men.”
    A blatantly sexist and very objectionable remark. You speak as though the candidate women couldn’t make it on credentials other than sex.

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