Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Economy > Brazil: Obama’s visit shows the world Brazil is ready for 21st Century

Brazil: Obama’s visit shows the world Brazil is ready for 21st Century

By Edy Bestle

Edy BEstle

SAO PAULO, BRAZIL — In March, the whole of the country was ready for President Obama, his family and his entourage´s visit to Brazil. The schedule was slightly changed due to security matters and the bad weather; however, the visit was a success.

People in Brasília – Brazil´s capital – were quite upset because they were not allowed to get close enough to get a good glimpse of the famous couple and their daughters, as they first arrived at the Palácio da Alvorada and met our President Dilma Roussef, who was recently elected.

It was a remarkable moment if we consider that Mr. Obama is the first afro-American president of the USA and Mz. Dilma Roussef is the first Brazilian woman elected president.


Mr. Obama was very nice and kind and showed a large knowledge of our country, our history and some of our habits. Mrs.Obama was very elegant and kind as well. She showed it is possible to be elegant, discrete and be at ease at the same time.

Mr. Obama commented on Brazil’s progress. One example of that progress was in the sad death of a former politician.

This week our former vice-president, Mr. Jose de Alencar, lost his 13-year-battle against cancer. He had had 13 surgeries before he was last sent to Sirio Libanes Hospital, in São Paulo, a leader in cancer treatments in Latin America.

Patients from all over the world come to São Paulo searching for various medical treatments in different hospitals. The growth in recognition of São Paulo’s advanced health care facilities shows how Mr. Obama was, after all, right about our abilities and capability of development in all areas, and how ready we are for partnerships with other countries.

The aim of his visit, besides showing his recognition towards our growth, was to offer an American airplane a F/A 18. However, his clear observation of our constant development expressed in his speeches underscores a new chapter in Brazil’s history. It’s a chapter that might bring to my country more chances of exchanging experiences and expanding our market beyond Latin America.
Learn more about Edy

Born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Edy has been a world traveler since the age of seven. In the process, she mastered several languages including English, Spanish and Italian.

Her love of languages lead her to a speech therapy degree. These days, this divorced mother of three successful young adults, oversees her own business, an English school in Santos, Brazil. Located on the coastline, the school serves as an outlet for Edy to use her training as a speech therapist to teach English to such students as Brazilian business executives.

“In my country, although English is a second laguage, it is fundamental for doing business, especially in Sao Paulo where the international companies are located,” says Edy. “Not many of the business people can actually speak English.”

In addition to owning her own business, Edy plays on a volleyball league for women over 30-years-old and took up riding motorcycles. Already on her second bike, Edy enjoys the speed of the ride and is proud to have been allowed to ride the Interlagos race track, home of the Formula One Brazilian Grand Prix.

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