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Mexico: Carrying on Democratic Ideals Across the Border

By Sabrina De Santiago

MEXICO: Mexico has taught me that there are as many opportunities out there as you are willing to find. So when I moved down to Mexico last year, I looked for an opportunity to keep working with Democrats.
I found a great group – the YoDems chapter of Democrats Abroad.
Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party organization for the millions of Americans living outside the United States.
We work to advance the principles of our Party by spreading the Democratic message to Americans abroad and encouraging them to vote for Democratic candidates back home.
And that final part was the clincher — that we Americans can vote abroad.

Lots of people don’t know that Americans have this amazing opportunity. We can vote from abroad.
Through the chapter, I have met a network of individuals dedicated to the same Democratic principles — opportunity and justice — that first drew me to the party.
Finding Democrats Abroad was like finding a little piece of home.
Democrats Abroad is recognized as a “state” Party by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and is represented on the DNC by eight voting members, as well as at the quadrennial Democratic National Convention.
I recently helped plan the Democrats Abroad Americas Regional Meeting. It was an odd thing – a meeting of American Democrats from all over Latin America meeting in Mexico City.
At the conference, I met many people with whom I shared a common experience. We found that, sometimes, being a Democrat abroad, and in my particular experience, a Democrat in Mexico, can be difficult.
Unfortunately, many people believe that just because I am an American, I am a supporter of the Bush administration.
As a Democrat in Mexico, I spend a lot of time reminding people that there are many, many Americans, and many, many Latinos, who are outraged at the way this administration has failed the United States — and many of us who are eager to see the relationship with Mexico improved.
At first, having to clear up the difference between the Republican administration and Democrats stressed me out. But when I saw how much people cared about what happens in American politics, I remember that I have a responsibility to continue working with Democrats to ensure that America stays true to the American Dream.
Actually, we all have that responsibility. As Latinas living in every corner of the globe, we need to work everyday to make the world the place it should be.
Learn more about Sabrina:

Sabrina De Santiago was born and raised in Los Angeles. She is the daughter of Mexican immigrants who worked hard to achieve the American dream.
Before leaving the United States, she spent ten years on the east coast, five of which she spent working for the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.
She currently lives in Mexico City and serves as the Executive Director of Young Democrats Mexico City.

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