Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > Child’s wish to meet President Obama comes true

Child’s wish to meet President Obama comes true

Special to La Prensa
San Antonio, TX (March 31, 2009)—A San Antonio, TX child had the opportunity to meet President Barack Obama today during a visit to the White House with Children’s Miracle Network. Roberto Salcido, 17 years
old, toured the White House and met the President, who then invited Robert and other children to play on the playground on the South Lawn.
Roberto had the opportunity to meet President Obama while participating in Champions Across America presented by Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. The program recognizes the 17 million children treated each year at Children’s Miracle Network hospitals across the country. Champions Across America designates a Champion child in every state who has bravely battled and triumphed despite a serious injury or illness.
The 2009 Champions have suffered illnesses such as brittle bone disease, brain tumors, leukemia and cerebral palsy and survived car accidents and plane crashes.
Roberto has been through 10 Titanium Rib surgeries at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital (CSRCH). At birth he came into this world with one lung. His esophagus and stomach were not connected. The Titanium Rib Implant procedure was developed for children with congenial rib cage
deformities and thoracic insufficiency syndrome.

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