Latina Lista > General > Directory of all Latinas/os working on “The Hill” available free online

Directory of all Latinas/os working on “The Hill” available free online

LatinaLista — We all know that the Obama Administration is one of the most diverse in the nation. Making up a portion of that diversity is a number of Latinas and Latinos. In fact, the Obama Administration has broken the record for Latino/a appointees.

Yet, where are these appointees? What exactly are their positions and if we wanted to contact them, could we? And how?

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Well, courtesy of the Latino Leaders Network there is a new online directory of all the Latinos and Latinas working on the Hill.

The Latino Leaders Directory doesn’t just include politicians but Latinas/os who hold a range of positionsl from being Chiefs of Staff to Staff Assistants.

The directory gives the name, position, telephone, fax number and website of the department or Congressional office of where the person works. The only thing the directory lacks is an e-mail address for each person.

The directory identifies 73 Latinos who currently serve in the Administration and 195 who serve in the Congress as Members and staff. Of those, 29 serve as Members of Congress in either the Senate or the House of Representatives, 19 as Latino Chiefs of Staff, and 11 as Legislative Directors.

The directory also includes Committee Staff Directors, Press Secretaries, Schedulers, Legislative Assistants, Legislative Correspondents and District Directors, as well as organizational leaders for major Latino advocacy organizations.

The directory is free for anyone to use and is available on the Latino Leaders Network website.

Mickey Ibarra, founder & chairman of the Latino Leaders Network, explained, “Our purpose is to highlight the contribution of Latinos who serve the United States Congress and the American people and to honor those who promote and practice diversity in their hiring.”

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