Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Culture > Film > Emmy-winning director of Made in LA launches special screening campaign for immigration reform

Emmy-winning director of Made in LA launches special screening campaign for immigration reform

LatinaLista — In October of last year, filmmaker Almudena Carracedo took time from basking in her Emmy win for her documentary Made in LA to share her thoughts and feelings on Latina Lista about how making the film on immigrant workers had impacted her life.

It made a big impact.
At the time, Almudena was winding down a year with screenings of her film all over the world. She saw firsthand the impact the film made on other people who didn’t know anything about undocumented immigrants or working conditions in U.S. factories that employed immigrant labor or even about the U.S. immigration issue itself.
She realized her film was able to put a “human face” on the contentious issue of illegal immigration. For that reason, Almudena wanted to do something in honor of the upcoming May marches scheduled to take place all over the country on May 1 in honor of immigration reform.
As she writes Latina Lista:

Between April 15th and May 31st (and beyond) national organizations, grassroots groups, faith-based congregations and individuals are coming together in a nationwide effort to share the Emmy-winning Made in L.A. and put a human face on the issues of immigration, immigrant workers’ rights, and supporting humane immigration reform.
Will you join or support this effort? You can:
1. Host a screening
2. Send an e-mail to your friends and lists, about the campaign or spread the word through the film’s Facebook and Myspace pages.
3. Post the banner and button on your blog or website, and get the new Immigration Headlines Widget featuring Made in L.A.
By creating a climate of empathy and understanding around immigration reform, we can use Made in L.A. to help lay the foundation for change. Join the! movement.

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