Latina Lista > Causes > Social Justice > FCC needs to do more to monitor “outrage” media that fuels hate

FCC needs to do more to monitor “outrage” media that fuels hate

LatinaLista — Yesterday’s Holocaust Museum shooting by a white supremacist that killed a museum security guard wasn’t just sad news — it was scary.

Holocaust Museum murder suspect James W. von Brunn.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are more people like this shooter running around the nation thinking that they can decide who lives, who dies and who gets to call the United States home.
As a site dedicated to promoting the humanitarian treatment of undocumented immigrants, any regular reader of Latina Lista will know that there have been some who comment on this site under the guise of lambasting undocumented immigrants for not getting at the end of the imaginary visa line, but who in reality are more bothered that there are so many people with brown skin and accents now living in the country.
These types have blended well with those citizens who are truly bothered that undocumented immigrants don’t have the proper paperwork, and so it makes it difficult to see which ones are sincere in wanting the rule of law to be obeyed and which ones have a more sinister agenda.
The director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report attributes this rise in hate to several factors: the recession, the election of Obama and — the immigration debate.
It was the same conclusions presented earlier this year in the Department of Homeland Security’s brief entitled Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment
Of the three factors cited for fueling this latest increase in hate groups/individuals, nothing immediately can be done about the recession or the election’s outcome but much can be done regarding the immigration debate.
It goes beyond getting immigration reform passed and right to the heart of what may be fueling and empowering the hate festering in this nation.

As Clint Van Zandt, a former FBI profiler wrote in an online column:

While the vast majority of Americans see the various hate groups in this country as the fringe of the fringe, i.e., budding sociopaths or simple losers who seek their identity through the hatred of others, there are those in law enforcement who know that the combination of hatred, frustration and weapons can easily spell murder.

Whether these people are sociopaths or searching for a place to belong, either way spells out that these people are very vulnerable and easily influenced. It doesn’t matter that compared to the larger US population their numbers are small, they are still potent threats because, as von Brunn demonstrated, a person with weapons on a mission of ethnic cleansing is a deadly force to stop.
Whereas in the past, these people really only had the support of like-minded individuals who lived in their local communities or regions, their ethnic outrage is today fueled and empowered by internet sites and such media personalities as Lou Dobbs, Bill O’Reilly, Jay Severin, Rush Limbaugh and every other person privileged to have a consistent media platform by which they foster hatred and resentment towards immigrant/non-white groups through their daily programming.
Though no media personality would admit that they foster hatred — after all, they’re just presenting the news or their viewpoint — the fact remains that to people who are especially vulnerable to this kind of “outrage” media it’s all the encouragement they need to embark on a deadly path.
Given the Department of Homeland Security’s report that only sees this situation worsening, it is time the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) takes a more proactive approach in monitoring these programs.
Does that mean censoring these programs?
As much as shows are already censored for the use of foul language, it’s time to recognize that in these times there exists another kind of foul language.
It’s negative language directed at a specific ethnic or gender meant to disparage that group or person, which in turn incites negative public outrage.
As of now, individual radio/TV stations are having to undertake this monitoring role themselves — and seem to only do it when forced by listeners’ complaints. The latest example was in April when Boston’s WTKK-FM suspended radio talk show host Jay Severin for his derogatory comments about Mexicans during the swine flu outbreak.
Some of his “language” was calling Mexican immigrants “criminaliens,” “primitives,” “leeches,” and “women with mustaches and VD.”
Is this not hate practiced under the guise of responsible media?
It is an irresponsible media company that allows such operators to use the airwaves for such a hateful agenda, and it’s a negligent department of the federal government that turns a blind eye when this happens.
Does this mean these people should be taken off the airwaves? Not at first.
The FCC should establish new guidelines that outline limits to what language cannot be used to identify or describe any ethnic group or gender. Those shows that commit more than a determined percentage of their programming towards topics identified as those that incite hate in these hate groups — immigration reform, Muslims, etc. — must be monitored for use of language and conduct. If found to violate the guidelines, a suspension of three weeks — if not totally taken off the air.
Paying fines doesn’t make a direct impression on the host if it’s his station that’s paying the fine. Depriving him/her of their audience would make a much bigger impact.
Before now, these cable and radio talk show hosts have operated like kings over their own courts where they call the shots and people bow to their ratings.
But this is a new age where we know, that more than ever, words do influence and it should matter more to media companies to be responsible businesses rather than enablers to groups, who after hearing hate talk on their radios and televisions, feel all the more justified and empowered to carry out their deranged agendas because no one, the FCC or the stations, are saying that there is anything wrong with what is being broadcast.

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  • cookie
    June 11, 2009 at 6:25 pm

    “As a site dedicated to promoting the humanitarian treatment of undocumented immigrants, any regular reader of Latina Lista will know that there have been some who comment on this site under the guise of lambasting undocumented immigrants for not getting at the end of the imaginary visa line, but who in reality are more bothered that there are so many people with brown skin and accents now living in the country.”
    This is truly a disappointing statement coming from you Marisa. I thought you were above making false accusations and pulling the race card on those of us in here who merely want our immigration laws honored and enforced. Where is your proof of this statement and who are you talking about?

  • cookie
    June 11, 2009 at 6:36 pm

    By the way Marisa we have had people with brown skin and accents in this country who have been citizens of this country since its founding. Objecting to illegal immigation has nothing to do with skin color or accents and you know it.

  • cookie
    June 11, 2009 at 6:41 pm

    You state that it is wrong to make negative remarks about any ethnic group as a whole Marisa and I agree with you on that. Yet Evelyn for example constantly made negative remarks about the white race in here. Where was your outrage over that?

  • Karen
    June 11, 2009 at 8:35 pm

    I don’t think government censorship will work. TV uses film and tone of voice to communicate its point of view in addition to word choice. You can’t censor that.
    The best bet is to boycott. There are more thna enough Latinos to get these racist hosts off the air, but we don’t use our collective economic power. Lou Dobbs is employed by CNN and HBO. What if all Latinos canceled CNN en Espanol and HBO? Dobbs would be gone.
    Local radio hosts like Severin could easily be boycotted and then fired if what he said was made known to Latinos throughout the country. We have the power, but we don’t use it.
    On a good note, ratings for Lou Dobbs have fallen and he’s being taken off of HLN and replaced with Joy Behar.
    I will be so happy when that piece of trash is canceled.

  • Ana
    June 11, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    Great post, Marisa! I believe that most of the restrictionists who show up on pro-migrant blogs are white nationalists. If you ask them, they will usually admit this. And most of these folks are indeed “more bothered that there are so many people with brown skin and accents now living in the country.” In my view, they do not care for POC at all because they are terrified that white folks are a dying breed. That is their biggest fear. And this is why they are so threatened by undocumented peoples and POC. It appears that they have an eliminationist mind set towards people of other races, although they will try to hide the worst aspects of their hateful ideology when they visit our “pro” blogs. Just personally, I am tired of their efforts to highjack pro-migrant blogs and turn them into a forum for their hate and their white supremacist ideology. Free speech and hate speech are not the same thing. As I’m sure you know, hate speech creates a permissible climate for harassment and abuse of migrants and POC. We may be unwittingly playing into their hands by allowing them to My suggestion is to invite some truly moderate Republicans groups to post on pro-migrant sites. (Usually, you can tell who the moderates are because they have at least some sympathy for the plight of migrants.) Then you could more easily determine which comments are sincere and ban the white supremacists from taking over our blogs. Just a thought.

  • Texan123
    June 12, 2009 at 7:02 am

    I think it is a stretch to connect this psyco to those who oppose illegal immigration. This guy was 88 years old with mental problems. I am not trying to excuse his action. Just do not think you should link every psyco killer to immigration.

  • Jesus Chairez
    June 12, 2009 at 7:53 am

    I used to work for the FCC in Dallas during the 80’s and I can tell you monitoring by the FCC is most difficult; too few people on staff.
    Check this out, Latinos also can spew hate: “Oh, happy day! KPFK-FM 90.7 management has suspended the anti-Semitic hatefest called “La Causa” for six weeks for the obvious reasons, a week after the Jewish Journal published a devastating exposé of the program.” by Gustavo Arellano, Ask a Mexican fame:

  • Marisa Treviño
    June 12, 2009 at 1:17 pm

    You’re right, Jesus. The monitoring/penalizing certainly does have to go both ways.

  • Marisa Treviño
    June 12, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    It’s not a stretch to link the conclusions in that report to what sent this guy, and others like him, over the edge.

  • hissy
    June 12, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    It is not an imaginary line…it is called a just ignore that fact along with the criminals crossing it ILLEGALLY. I think Obama has finally done the right thing by ending the raids and going after the companies that hire illegals. LaRaza needs to stop the race baiting too.

  • cookie
    June 12, 2009 at 5:13 pm

    Karen, just what makes Dobbs a racist in your eyes? He objects to illegal immigration and talks about it on his show. Is that supposed to be taboo? It is an important issue facing our country today. He never makes negative remarks about Hispanics in general and certainly not those in our country illegally. Dobbs even has a Hispanic wife.

  • cookie
    June 12, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    Ana, what do you mean by restrictionists? Our government has immigration quotas and laws in the national interests of this country and we as Americans are obligated to honor them. You think you should dictate our government’s immigration policies for them?
    It is only in your own demented, ethoncentric mind that those of us who post in blogs that are anti-illegal immigration are white nationalists. Your side says anything to hide your own racism and demonize law abiding Americans who don’t go along with your agenda.
    So, it is being a racist and a hater for any country not to welcome a complete demographic and racial/culture change in their country due largely to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? Want to try to explain THAT one? There is a difference between excepting legal immigrants regardless of their skin color and ethncity (and we do) and expecting us to welcome an illegal invasion from mostly one ethnic group.
    Yes, we have always had a white majority along with an identifying culture and language in this country. Why does that bother you? I am not bothered that Mexico is comprised of mostly Mestizos along with their culture and language. Hispanics are the majority in 22 countries on the Western Hemisphere…not enough for you? Are you also bothered that the Chinese want to remain Asian racially and culturally and would adamantly fight an illegal invasion to retain their natural society as would other countries that had a dominant society? It is those that wish to change those things through ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION that are the racists. You have the shoe on the wrong foot here.

  • cookie
    June 12, 2009 at 5:42 pm

    You can’t restrict freedom of speech/opinion in this country just because of the few nutcases that are around that might go off the deep end because they are extremists and mentally disturbed. They are likely to blow without anyone elses help anyway.

  • Traci
    June 12, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    More outrageous and unfounded accusations, Marisa?
    “… any regular reader of Latina Lista will know that there have been some who comment on this site under the guise of lambasting undocumented immigrants for not getting at the end of the imaginary visa line, but who in reality are more bothered that there are so many people with brown skin and accents now living in the country.”
    …..As if we don’t already give preference to Latin Americans. It’s funny that I haven’t heard much hoopla about excluding those people. I’ve never heard anyone demand for excluding Latin Americans who do qualify for visas. That fact alone makes your claim specious.
    There are billions of foreign poor and illiterate non-Latin Americans who are also excluded from entering this country due to their potential for becoming dependent upon the middle class and other Americans by transfer of wealth from our treasury. You might have an argument, Marisa, but our policies against risking the importation of new social welfare dependents is an overwhelming argument that most reasonable Americans agree with. Of course you think that Latinos should be permitted entry over everyone else, because they look and talk like you. It’s evident to any reasonable person that it is YOU who is pulling the race card to discredit your opposition. You don’t care about equal application of our policies, but only that you have your own way, and you’re not above defaming others to do so.

  • Warren
    June 12, 2009 at 5:59 pm

    I thank God, Marisa that you have so little influence in this country, even among Latinos. I find your proposal to regulate speech just because it’s not popular with some groups abhorrent. The basic theme of ant-illegal immigration faction is “Send them home.” This may indicate a lack of sympathy, but such speech should hardly be suppressed just because it doesn’t show sympathy towards people who are by law do not have legal right to stay in this country. Your side is worse than your opposition because it uses ad hominem attacks as a tool to discredit rational argument.

  • Chris
    June 12, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    I’ve heard a lot of objectionable things from conservatives, but I’ve never heard them propose suppressing free speech. On the other hand, I’ve found that liberals are all too quick to do so. It shows a shallowness of thought that’s troubling.

  • Marisa Treviño
    June 12, 2009 at 6:36 pm

    Maybe Chris, it’s because liberals don’t use the type of language conservatives use to incite hate.

  • Marisa Treviño
    June 12, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    Warren, if you think the worse that is said is “send them home” then you haven’t been listening very closely. Responsible speech has always been practiced by individuals. Why it’s not by some of these conservative talk show hosts is beyond reason given their level of influence. Their shows do need to be monitored and it’s not suppressing them as it is monitoring what they say and make them accountable. How can any reasonable person disagree with that?

  • Chris
    June 13, 2009 at 9:37 am

    “Maybe Chris, it’s because liberals don’t use the type of language conservatives use to incite hate.”
    No, liberals just distort and obfuscate the facts to further their agenda. The best evidence of this that they will never admit that there are negative aspects to amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens. What are the odds that absolutely no drawbacks exist? None.
    Liberals have pulled the “hate speech” card so often as to have trivialized it. It’s funny how our national vocabulary, from the Founding Fathers up to recent times has never included the term “hate speech”, while The terms libel and slander have always been in our lexicon. Everyone should question why, after 200-years of our nation’s existence, such new crimes find their way into our vocabulary. Could it be that they are just the fad of the day? I would rather risk ceding the right to everyone to use hate speech than surrender the right to free speech. “Hate speech” is a subjective thing, while the free speech is not. Do we as Americans want our politicians writing legislation defining what is hate speech? If so, it would be possible under our two party system to see-saw back and forth in making laws suppressing the right to express respective views. The penalty of having the freedoms we hold so dear is the risk of someone committing a crime or saying something we don’t like. I’d rather permit people to express themselves without fear of reprisal from our government than take the measures that would necessary to make certain no one would say something objectionable. I find it disturbing that some people who’ve spoken in the blog would believe otherwise.

  • Chris
    June 13, 2009 at 9:52 am

    One more thing, if regulating the air waves by banning “hate speech” is such a good idea, then regulating “hate speech” on the internet can’t be far behind. I’ve been reading what Evelyn has been saying, and as a European American I could easily interpret what she’s said a hate speech directed against my ancestors and me. If my party were in power, could I pass a law to prosecute her for hate crime libel? You’re on a slippery slope, Marisa, one that’s been trodden many times before in our history. Nothing what you’ve said is really original, it’s just a rehash of wisely rejected proposals. Try looking into the definition of the word “liberal”, because yours is not an idea that has historically been within the realm of liberal principles, but closer to the philosophy of dictatorship.

  • Karen
    June 13, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    Re: “Karen, just what makes Dobbs a racist in your eyes? He objects to illegal immigration and talks about it on his show.”
    Please. He uses immigration as a pretext for slamming Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. I have head him make lying, racist comments about Mexican-Americans, accusing people of being subversive. He has lied about NCLR and he has made fun of Mexican-American blue collar workers. He does this garbage for ratings, but than God, they are falling.

  • Wilhemina
    June 14, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    “He has lied about NCLR and he has made fun of Mexican-American blue collar workers. He does this garbage for ratings, but than God, they are falling.”
    Karen, talk about racists and agendas, the NCLR is urging illegal immigrants to be counted in the census so that areas with high numbers of illegal aliens will be given representation that they don’t deserve. You tell me why, if our House of Representatives is supposed to represent the citizens of this country, areas infested with high illegal aliens should have more political power than those that don’t. The NCLR has exposed itself for the ethnocentric power hungry organization that it is. They care less about the welfare of illegal immigrants that they do about their political power struggle. They’re setting the stage for the time when amnestied illegal aliens will become citizens. And it doesn’t take Lou Dobbs to point that out.

  • cookie
    June 14, 2009 at 5:40 pm

    Karen, it is only your biased opinion about Dobbs. You don’t like anyone who opposes your pro-illegal amnesty agenda so you and your ilk lie about what others say and think.
    I haven’t heard him state any lies about the NCLR or make fun of any blue collar Americans no matter who they are. You are just making this up. Show proof of it.
    Dobbs does nothing for ratings. He expresses his honest opinion on his show. Another lie spread by the pro-illegals.

  • Evelyn
    June 15, 2009 at 3:21 am

    It is abundantly evident that some people here at LL were profoundly affected by a dose of American History that was not white washed. I was the person who brought this dose of reality to them. They were so affected, that my name has been brought up several times. That has compelled me to return and answer these people. I just hope Marisa posts my answer.
    cookie stated:
    “Yet Evelyn for example constantly made negative remarks about the white race in here.”
    I asked you several times what part of Americas history you disagreed with, and you never answered.
    Chris stated:
    “I’ve been reading what Evelyn has been saying, and as a European American I could easily interpret what she’s said a hate speech directed against my ancestors and me”
    Yes you could interpret what I said as hate speech, but you would also have to interpret what American History books that havent been whitewashed say as hate speech. Exactly which part of Americas History, that I mentioned in my posts do you disagree with?
    The cold blooded murder of Hispanics who are mostly Native American Indian by the descendants of European immigrants has already began.
    There was a time when decency, even honor, was an essential part of the American dialogue in its most ideal form, and part of its very identity. There was a time when our culture would have recoiled in horror at the vituperation flowing unchecked from radios, televisions, and the Internet, instead of applauding it as “common sense,” “free speech,” or “mavericky,” or “a spin-free zone.”
    There was a time when intellectual honesty was not considered unpatriotic; when compassion for, and understanding of, your fellow man was a sign of strength, not weakness. There was a time when the phrase Have you no shame? meant something, and the First Amendment was not used as toilet paper to wipe up the excremental verbal degradation of vulnerable segments of the American population. A time when it was expected that citizens would understand the difference between free speech and irresponsible speech. Somewhere along the line, a cancerous segment of American popular culture and media cunningly exploited the long-standing, honorable American “cowboy” motif and mentality. They grafted cruelty, divisiveness, and ignorance to it, making the two appear indistinguishable, and natural allies. And they are neither, or at least ought not to be.

  • Traci
    June 15, 2009 at 10:35 am

    “Please. He uses immigration as a pretext for slamming Mexicans and Mexican-Americans.”
    Karen, other than his objectionable stance (at least to you) on immigration, what evidence do you have that he hates Mexicans or Mexican-Americans? In fact, you have none at all, not one statement independent of his arguments against illegal immigration, yet you mouth off as if your assertions are somehow common knowledge. It’s the other way around. You assert the unfounded precept that Mr. Dobbs hates Mexicans and Mexican Americans just to discredit Mr. Dobbs’ position on illegal immigration. This is the worst kind or ad hominem attack.

  • cookie
    June 15, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    Evelyn, I never denied any past history. Did you come back to lie? What I said is that past history does not negate our right to have immigration laws today and whites alive today are not responsible for what their ancestors did or didn’t do in the past. Many white American’s ancestors didn’t even come here until well after any native indian conflicts. Now you can keep howling at the wind about the past or bring yourself up to today and the fact this is now the USA a country with borders and laws and has been for over 200 years. As I said before if you want to hold grudges with white people over the past then go howl on their graves. They are all dead now. The fact that you are partly white yourself from Irish ancestors makes you a hypocrite anyway!

  • Texan123
    June 15, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    Regulating speech will not resolve the Immigration Crisis in this country. Neither will name calling and labeling each other as racists.
    Personnaly, I am angry with the U.S. Federal Government. THEY make the laws and have sworn an oath to unhold them. It is the lack of enforcement of FEDERAL immigration law that has allowed millions to come illegally, steal identities, steal jobs, steal education and health services.
    They do it because our government lets them. Can you really blame the illegal immigrants, for taking advantage of the gravy train that our government forces us to finance?
    It is the government we should be angry with. They are the ones we need to force out of office. Along with all the special interest groups who identify themselves as anything OTHER THAN AMERICAN. If we are all equal,act like it and stop using race for an excuse.

  • Horace
    June 15, 2009 at 8:54 pm

    I’d thought we had hear the last of your hate speech, evelyn, but then again it isn’t you speaking is it, but the cut and past words of others.
    It’s amazing, evelyn, that such a horrid nation as you describe permits you all the rights of the Constitution, to include the one that lets you revise history the way you do, and deride our nation as illegitimate. And gee, it must be even more grating on your nerves that it was written by old dead white men. Maybe when people like you are in charge you can re-write history, as the Soviet Union was wont to do, and exert Hispanic primacy on the rest of us.

  • Karen
    June 16, 2009 at 8:13 pm

    To Traci:
    First of all, if Dobbs hated illegal immigrants and not just Mexicans, he would focus on ALL illegal immigrants. After all, they come from all over the world not just Mexico and Latin America. But he only focuses on Mexicans. Plus he inflates the numbers of illegal immigrants in our country. He uses words like “invasion” to scare ignorant people into thinking we are at war with them. When you use war terminology, the goal is to dehumanize somebody, to make them less than human. If poor white people crossed the border in search of work, he would not talk about them that way.
    Secondly, he lies about NCLR, calling it a subversive group that wants to take over America. NCLR is a Civil Rights organization made up of Americans.
    He lies when he says that most drugs originate in Mexico. WRONG.
    I could go on, but this man is lying scum and he’s on the way to getting canceled.

  • Horace
    June 17, 2009 at 12:22 pm

    “First of all, if Dobbs hated illegal immigrants and not just Mexicans, he would focus on ALL illegal immigrants.”
    You have no evidence that he hates illegal immigrants. Contrary to your belief, preventing illegal immigration and advocating repatriation by attrition is not inherently evil. You want charity towards your ethnic group, and because no one supports you, you attempt to smear their reputation. It’s a simple as that.
    Focusing on Mexicans is appropriate, as we should focus on the countries that are most problematic and ones that we can take action against most easily. We should devote our resources most efficiently against the majority of illegal aliens and those who cost us the most. This is what Dobbs is doing. You would have us spread our resources so thin as to make our efforts too costly an ineffective, because that is your goal, the defeat of our immigration laws. This is why you rale against E-verify, state participation in enforcement actions and raids.
    “He uses words like “invasion” to scare ignorant people into thinking we are at war with them. When you use war terminology, the goal is to dehumanize somebody, to make them less than human.”
    The term invasion adequately describes the circumstances, as does the term illegal alien. You don’t like it because they are negative. You like soft words because they tend to subdue the truth and discourage action on the part of our government. Semantics will not be the savior of illegal aliens. A rose by any other name……
    “Secondly, he lies about NCLR, calling it a subversive group that wants to take over America. NCLR is a Civil Rights organization made up of Americans.”
    Most Americans have now come to understand that NCLR is a race centered organization designed to promote the political ambitions of Hispanics, and Hispanics alone. They advocate very little on civil rights. Most people see them as promoting special rights and exceptions for Hispanics.
    “He lies when he says that most drugs originate in Mexico. WRONG.”
    Only most marijuana, meth and cocaine, but who’s counting. Our border is practically open, making it vulnerable to criminals, drug dealers and smugglers. That’s enough to convince me that Mexico is a problem.

  • Evelyn
    June 17, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    cookie :
    Evelyn, I never denied any past history. Did you come back to lie? What I said is that past history does not negate our …… aka red herring!
    What you said was , “Yet Evelyn for example constantly made negative remarks about the white race in here.” To which I answered,
    I asked you several times what part of Americas history you disagreed with, and you never answered. In fact you still havent answered.
    I never said you denied anything. You are trying to refocus the subject because you know you cant refute any of Americas History, I mention in my posts, which you call, ” negative remarks about the white race.”
    You are right on one thing. Americas history IS full of negative remarks about white people!
    Because I am part white and quote negative remarks about white people out of Americas History books does not make me a hypocrit. It makes me a realist. A person able to understand and learn from the mistakes of our past, and willing to do whatever it takes to stop people like you from becoming like Shanda Forde and butchering innocent Indigenous children again. Hypocrits are those who deny, defend, and advocate that this part of American History repeat itself.
    Using lies to demonize Mexicans and Hispanics the way you Horace and others here do to incite violance against Mexicans and Hispanics in general is despicable.

  • Evelyn
    June 17, 2009 at 2:00 pm

    Horace :
    I’d thought we had hear the last of your hate speech, evelyn, but then again it isn’t you speaking is it, but the cut and past words of others.
    It’s amazing, evelyn, that such a horrid nation as you describe permits you all the rights of the Constitution, to include the one that lets you revise history the way you do, and deride our nation as illegitimate. And gee, it must be even more that it was written by old dead white men. Maybe when people like you are in charge you can re-write history, as the Soviet Union was wont to do, and exert Hispanic primacy on the rest of us.
    Truth has a way of affecting people. Hit a nerve did I?
    The very fact that you decided to spew all this rhetoric about me is proof that my post is, “grating on your nerves” not mine.

  • Karen
    June 17, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    Re: “the NCLR is urging illegal immigrants to be counted in the census”
    According to the constitution ALL people residing in the United States are to be counted in the census. Fuerthermore, illegal immigrants have always been counted in the census, at least the ones who can be persuaded to participate. I know this for a fact, because I have worked for the census. We had instructions to count EVERYBODY because that is the law.
    NCLR asking for an accurate count of everybody, is not a “power grab.” How ridiculous.
    Our government is obviously not going to deport the immigrants en masse. They are here to stay, so get over it.

  • cookie
    June 18, 2009 at 10:45 am

    Evelyn, you are such a spinner of the truth. I have never denied anything about history including the white history in this country. Show me where I did! You however only want to talk about that part of it and not the rest of it. I posted in here how the conflicts happened (without defending anyone) because you were only telling part of the history of this country and how the conflicts started. Of course you refuse to acknowledge that part of it.
    How many times do you have to be reminded that none of that past history has anything to do with those of us alive today? We are all individuals and many of our ancestors never had any conflict with the native indians. They came here way after that and after the U.S. government was established. Your problem is that you want to blame and demonize the entire white race today for the sins of the past and that is just plain bizarre and ridiculous. You are so full of hate over the past it is a wonder you can even function on a daily basis. For God’s sake YOU weren’t even alive back then and YOU are partially white yourself! So if you want to lay guilt on the entire white race, you are being a hyocrite by your own bloodlines!
    Don’t you ever accuse me of wanting to butcher anyone either! Marisa, should give you a warning or throw you out of here for accusing people you don’t even know of having a murderous heart. That was despicable remark to make!
    There are no lies being spread to demonize Mexicans. This is about illegal immigration and the right of Americans to have sovereign borders and immigration laws as it is for any country today regardless of past history.

  • cookie
    June 18, 2009 at 10:54 am

    Karen, well since your side is all about “change”. Counting illegal aliens in our census needs to “change” also. They are not citizens and it gives unfair representation in certain areas where most illegals live. They can’t vote so why should we give them representation or count them for anything?

  • Horace
    June 18, 2009 at 7:12 pm

    “NCLR asking for an accurate count of everybody, is not a “power grab.” How ridiculous.”
    No. that’s simply not true and it’s evident to everyone except Latinos, who are blind to LaRaza’s political role or are blindly supportive of them. Tell me why any part of the country should benefit from the census based upon the illegal presence of foreigners? The original purpose of the census, and still is, the fair representation of the citizens of this country in Congress. Why should a city comprised of half illegal aliens be given twice its fair representation in Congress? Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in Congress. I believe the vast majority of Americans would agree with me. If La Raza were only concerned with their constituents (reputedly U.S. citizens), then they wouldn’t bother with illegal aliens, would they? They view illegal aliens as amnestied and future voters for politicians they support. You must take the rest of us for idiots, Karen. Obviously you’re not one of the “wise Latinas” commonly referenced in this blog.
    “Our government is obviously not going to deport the immigrants en masse. They are here to stay, so get over it.”
    No deportations, just voluntary repatriation by way of denial of jobs that they are not by law entitled to. Deny them any benefit of staying in this country and Mexico will look good to them.
    No amnesty, now or ever. Get over it!

  • Evelyn
    June 20, 2009 at 2:35 pm

    cookie :
    Evelyn, you are such a spinner of the truth. I have never denied anything about history including the white history in this country.
    I never said you did.
    Smoke screens , red herring, refocus, change subject and arguing invented issues shows everyone the spin you’re trying to use. I f I notice you do that in most of your posts, do you think others dont? I have cut and pasted what I stated before, see if you can stick to the subject instead of spewing all the BS you usually do. I used capital letters to emphasize the fact that I never said you denied anything, because you keep repeating that lie.
    I asked you several times what part of Americas history you disagreed with, and you never answered. In fact you still havent answered.
    I NEVER SAID YOU DENIED ANYTHING. You are trying to refocus the subject because you know you cant refute any of Americas History I mention in my posts which you call, ” negative remarks about the white race.”
    There are no lies being spread to demonize Mexicans. This is about illegal immigration and the right of Americans to have sovereign borders and immigration laws as it is for any country today regardless of past history.
    How many times do you have to be reminded that none of that past history has anything to do with those of us alive today?
    When we have people who harbor the same ideology you do go out and kill an innocent child and her father (minuteman Shanda Forde) it has everything to do with those of you alive today. There are many more premeditated hate crimes against Mexican, including many resulting in death.
    All the lies you spew about hordes of dirty, deseased, illiterate Mexicans invading this country to get welfair and foodstamps and other social services programs leaching off American taxpayers etc etc etc, have elevated hate crimes by 40% against Hispanics.
    The fact that I wasent alive when the Europeans invaded this land and butchered the Native Americans doesent mean I should let you do the same, as you insinuate in your post that because I am half white I shouldent expose the dispicable acts by the Europeans and those racists like you and others here at LL following in their footsteps today by repeating that horrendous part of history.
    How Ignorant that you see me as a traitor and yourself as a righteous patriot because you demonize those least able to defend themselves . I think I’ll let the American public decide who is right.

  • cookie
    June 21, 2009 at 7:38 pm

    Evelyn, you said we believed in a white washed history. That would mean that you think we are denying real history! Don’t try to spin your own lies now. Point out any lies that I have told. When the hell did I ever change the subject either and who are you anyway to tell people in here what to do? How the hell can I disagree with history? Its all right there in the history books. At least I will point out ALL of history and not just the parts that suit my agenda as you do.
    The example you give of Forde killing an innocent child is not what the majority of whites in this country do, so why even bring that up? There are plenty of cases where the browns have murdered whites also today but what has that to do with the past?
    I have never made ANY remarks about hordes of dirty Mexicans etc. How can you tell a baldfaced lie like that? Point out the posts where I have ever said that! You can’t because I never did, liar! All I have said is that the majority of illegals in this country are Mexicans and you know damned well that they can collect welfare thru their citizen born children. That is just a fact!
    Me butchering people? When did I do that? What makes me a racist? Where did I ever say anything racist?
    Why don’t you crawl back over to HB where you constantly call people racists and liars and the raza in there are biased with a double standard and they let you get away with lying and insulting people all day long? Marisa at least expects a certain amount of civility in here and doesn’t hold a double standard for those who share her views like they do in HB.
    All you do is attack the white race all day long in there and now you come and do it over here. You are so filled with hate over the past that you need therapy.

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