Latina Lista > Culture > Books > Free new e-book targets Latinas with inspirational stories and advice

Free new e-book targets Latinas with inspirational stories and advice

LatinaLista — What do you get when you ask some successful Latinas their professional insights on subjects near and dear to their hearts?


In this case, you get a new E-book titled The New Latina Guide to a Fabulous 2011 Year!

The brainchild of New Latina founder, Angelica Perez-Litwin, the e-book features inspirational insights and advice from 17 Latinas (including Latina Lista‘s Marisa Treviño), and one Latino, on a wide range of subjects from motherhood and entrepreneurship to immigration and social media.

Though it took Angelica over 80 hours to put together the 126-page inspirational guide, the e-book is free-of-charge to download from the New Latina website.

The underlying hope for the book is to highlight how success, opportunities and passion appear in everyone’s lives and it’s up to each of us to seize it and run.

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