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Institute of Texan Cultures’ RACE discussions aimed at talking about sensitive issues

La Prensa – San Antonio

San Antonio.- Since January 2010, the Institute of Texan Cultures has challenged San Antonians and visitors alike to examine their understanding of race and racism through “RACE: Are We So Different,” a cutting-edge exhibit from the Science Museum of Minnesota and American Anthropological Association.


157_5f930_CompellingVideo.jpgDesigned to increase the quantity and quality of discussions on a sensitive issue, RACE’s mission will continue after the exhibit concludes on May 16.

Since January 2010, the Institute of Texan Cultures has challenged San Antonians and visitors alike to examine their understanding of race and racism through “RACE: Are We So Different,” a cutting-edge exhibit from the Science Museum of Minnesota and American Anthropological Association.


Race Forums, facilitated discussions with the institute’s educators and trained volunteers, have allowed participants to consider and reflect upon how others view the role race plays in society and, perhaps, to better understand how race affects everyone.

Forums have been well received by church and mosque groups, student organizations and classes, businesses such as HEB, military units and staff from social service organizations such as CPS.

The institute will continue to offer the Race Forum as a regular program. Forums are free with general admission and recommended for groups of 10 or more. Groups interested in a forum should schedule with the institute prior to visiting.

“When we first offered Race Forums to the public, I was not sure how many people in our community would be open to discussing such a sensitive topic as race with a group of strangers,” said Matthew Anderson, an educational specialist at the institute and a forum facilitator. “In just three months we have had 500 participants. This is more than four times as many people as participated in the much larger Science Museum of Minnesota exhibit, where RACE debuted and was displayed twice as long.”

When asked to give an example of a positive effect he has seen…

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