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Intrn’l Video: Three generations of Mexican women reflect on lost loves and personal evolution

LatinaLista — Though they may come from different generations, all women share in the same range of emotions triggered by experiences in love that are unique to them but all too familiar for those who have loved and lost. It is this ‘unique familiarity’ that serves as the premise of the 2012 documentary film, and official selection of SXSW 2013, from Mexico titled “Tres Voces” (Three Voices.)

The film’s filmmaker delves deep into the experiences of a teenager, a middle-aged divorcée and her own ninety-year-old great aunt to trace these women’s experiences and resurrect memories, some of which were deeply buried as to be forgotten.

Inspired by technicolor melodramas of the 40s and 50s, the “film traces the women’s experiences through actual family photos, videos and interviews extracting their voices and their loves from a rich texture of archival material.”

We are always told that love lasts forever like in children’s fairy tales, but the reality is that people change and relationships expire ~ Tres Voces

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