Latina Lista > Media > Technology > Latinos still lag in receiving digital TV signals but it’s about to change

Latinos still lag in receiving digital TV signals but it’s about to change

LatinaLista — There’s a new statistic where Latinos are taking the lead — yet again.

Fortunately, for a change, it’s nothing bad. It seems that the Nielsen Company, that company that measure television viewers’ habits, released a study that “predicts the number of Hispanic TV households will grow fastest between 2009 and 2010, with a 2.3% increase to almost 13 million.”
If you recall, back in June when the TV industry converted from analog to digital, Latino households lagged way behind in having the proper equipment to watch television. But if there’s one thing ALL Latinos enjoy, it’s entertainment.
TV is the cheapest and most convenient form of entertainment — especially for those with large families and/or limited income.
While the Nielsen report confirms that not much has changed among Latino households in regard to having the right equipment to watch TV:

As of the end of August 2009, Hispanic households had the lowest rate of digital TV penetration, with 1.3% unable to receive the signals.

You don’t have to have a crystal ball or be Nielsen to understand that even a bad economy isn’t going to keep people from splurging on a new television in order to watch all the new shows that will be premiering soon.
If I had to predict, I would say sales will start picking up after Thanksgiving and go on into December. If families can afford only one big gift this year, chances are everyone will agree to a new television!

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