Latina Lista > Culture > Film > Lunafest film competition promotes women filmmakers

Lunafest film competition promotes women filmmakers

LatinaLista — Did you know that of the 250 top-grossing films, fewer than 6 percent have been made by women?
One organization is trying to remedy that imbalance through their annual short film competition that is focused on celebrating women filmmakers.

Lunafest has been promoting women filmmakers through their annual film festival.

LUNAFEST has a legacy of featuring notable and up-and-coming women filmmakers. From accomplished filmmakers and aspiring indie stars, to amateur filmmakers and film students, LUNAFEST looks at films from around the globe. The selected films will be shown at over 140 venues and viewed by more than 20,000 people in communities throughout the U.S. and Canada.

In addition to the selected films being seen by a wider audience, there is also a cash prize of $1,000 for each selected film.
As with every contest, there are guidelines. To qualify to enter a film in Lunarfest, some of the guidelines are:

  • Films accepted can be shorts, documentaries, fiction or narratives. There is a special category for student shorts.
  • Films should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • Each entry must be submitted on a separate DVD.
  • With each entry, please include: Labeled DVD with your name, address, telephone number and film title
  • Film entry form
  • Foreign language film soundtracks must be in the original language with English subtitles.

Perhaps the most interesting element of Lunafest is that 100 percent of all proceeds from the competition (generated through application fees) goest directly to charity. In fact, checks for the film competition’s $20 application fee are asked to be made out directly to the breast cancer fund.
Deadline for submitting films is April 30, 2009.

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