Latina Lista > Columns & Features > Global Views > Mexico City-based English-speaking bloggers/media help keep us all informed about swine flu epidemic

Mexico City-based English-speaking bloggers/media help keep us all informed about swine flu epidemic

LatinaLista — With news reports of the escalating number of deaths in Mexico being attributed to swine flu, it’s easy to see how rapidly news is changing and traveling.

Mexico City-based journalist Deborah Bonello, a.k.a. Mexico Reporter, wears her government-issued face mask to ward off swine flu germs.

Thankfully, there are a number of bloggers and English-language media based in Mexico City who are doing a great job of keeping the rest of the world informed.
While there are many more sites that what I’m going to mention here, these are all my personal or Facebook friends for whom I pray stay healthy and thank for doing such a great job.
According to my friends Margo and Aran Shetterly of Inside Mexico:

Mexico City Mayor, Marcelo Ebrard says that the crisis is at ¨level 8¨ out of 1 to 10 and that by this evening or tomorrow morning he will decide whether or not to shut down public transportation.
Here is some information about recent developments:
How are swine flu symptoms different from more common flu symptoms? Apparently, a sudden onset of dizziness, nausea and vomiting could indicate swine flu.
President Obama says concern not ¨alarm¨ should be the reaction to swine flu.
The US Embassy in Mexico City will be closed from the 27 through the 30th.
At this point, we have no information on the Canadian Embassy.
103 people now reported dead in Mexico from, what people believe may be, swine flu.
Mexico City Mayor, Marcelo Ebrard, is considering a full suspension of business activities in Mexico City and will make this decision Monday night or Tuesday morning, based on levels of contagion. He will consider closing public transportation, including buses and the Metro.
Apparently, from an epidemiological standpoint, 10 days are needed to slow or stop the spread of a contagious disease like swine flu.
President Calderón says that Mexico has sufficient pharmaceuticals to deal with the swine flu outbreak.
Mexico´s Secretary of Tourism says swine flu shouldn´t stop tourism. However, it appears that some flights, particularly from Europe to Mexico and the US are already being cancelled.

Deborah Bonello who publishes the multimedia site MexicoReporter provides a look at how the Mexican population is coping with the stress of the epidemic.
Ana Maria Salazar Slack, a noted Mexican journalist, is keeping tabs on the outbreak on her Facebook page and two of her blogs Mexico Today and
And finally The News, an English-language newspaper in Mexico City.
Latina Lista also has a team of reporters in Mexico City who will be filing upcoming reports. As they do, they will be posted on the main Latina Lista site.

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