Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > New Contest Lets Winners “Crash” Democratic and Republican Conventions

New Contest Lets Winners “Crash” Democratic and Republican Conventions

LatinaLista — To say there’s a presidential race going on these days is an UNDERSTATEMENT. Never before have people been so energized, passionate and involved.
The people at SiTV and Voto Latino want even more people involved. So, they’ve created a cool contest for anyone who wants to get close and personal with the presidential candidates at the national party conventions.
But unfortunately, for many of us, the only way we’ll be attending the party conventions is if we crash those parties — and that’s the idea!
Crash the Parties” is an online contest designed to break down the barriers between the old media and the new era of internet news.

The winners will get to ask presidential candidates questions at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. They will attend an award ceremony at the National Press Club in Washington D.C, receive political press training to prepare them for the big event and score backstage press passes to the national conventions.
Yet to enter the contest involves more than just filling in the blanks.
First, you do have to register at “Crash the Parties” and then you have to upload video footage showing why you should represent the community. The rest is up to your amigos and amigas who must vote you all the way to DC.
Submissions will be accepted from March 18 to May 6. Public voting for their favorite is between May 7 through June 18.
There is one catch — you must be registered to vote by July 1, 2008, if you’re not already a registered voter.
Now, you don’t just have an opportunity to change the world — you can be right in the middle of it.



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