Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Palabra Final > Immigration > New video highlights CNN’s need to make a decision about Lou Dobbs

New video highlights CNN’s need to make a decision about Lou Dobbs

LatinaLista — In the few short weeks since the launch of the national campaign christened Basta Dobbs, over 50,000 people have signed on to let CNN know that Dobbs’ rhetoric about undocumented immigrants, trying to be passed for factual news, has reached its limit with the Latino community.

This declaration by the Latino community is especially important since CNN will broadcast next week its much heralded special “Latinos in America.”


To most of us who have paid attention to Dobbs’ assaults on Latino immigrants, this CNN special seems hypocritical in light of CNN management allowing Dobbs to remain on the air.

So to highlight this hypocrisy,, the organizers of Basta Dobbs, have partnered with a 26-year-old Pulitzer documentary prize-winning Mexican immigrant filmmaker named Arturo Perez.

The short film Perez created is entitled “You can’t have it both ways, CNN.”

In other words, CNN can’t believe in both promoting and celebrating the Latino presence in the United States while it allows one of their major anchor/hosts to vilify a portion of that same demographic.

CNN must choose — either stand behind Dobbs and admit support of his racist remarks or publicly condemn his rhetoric by removing him from the air.

Once CNN makes up its mind, then it will be a lot easier for the Latino community to decide which cable news channel deserves patronage.

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  • Carmen Meres
    October 13, 2009 at 2:25 pm

    I agree, this is unacceptable, Lou Dobbs does not even shows emails in support of the inmigrant community, why he does not show that for small businesses to survived we have to have latinos workers because many here are in drug or are very unreliable.

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