Latina Lista > Media > Online > New “webisodio” is all about “Latinas En L.A.”

New “webisodio” is all about “Latinas En L.A.”

LatinaLista — An interesting stat is making the rounds that illustrates that Latinos are seizing the online domain in record numbers. According to comScore Media Metrix, the total number of Latinos online grew by 10 percent in August 2009.

But what do percentages mean?

In this case, it means Latinos now stand at 22.144 million of Internet users.


It’s no wonder then that more and more Hollywood-based Latina/o talent are turning to the Internet to create their own opportunities in the form of webisodes.

The latest “webisodio” launch is a series called Latinas En L.A. written and directed by Felix Pire.

Latinas En L.A., detailing the socio-cultural ups and downs of young Latina women in Los Angeles looking to make it big in life and in love. Join Nina, Valentina, Lydia and Anita as they let you peek into their Almodovar-esque existences, and show you that Latina love is of the sexiest and sometimes funniest kind. It’s a Latina “Sex in the City” meets “Love American Style.”

Because of the “Sex in the City” angle, which means it’s a show that dares to offend the sexually prudent, it might have some mujeres making the sign of the cross or wiping down their monitors with holy water as they watch some of the more “sexy” scenes.

Yet, it’s clearly a show that fills the need of a growing population that Hollywood, for the most part, pays a lot of lip service to but little actual attention.

Obviously, “Latinas En L.A.” joins the ranks of “Ylse” and other online Latina-targeted series upstaging Hollywood’s old system of gate-keeping who makes it on the small screen and who doesn’t.

It’s time Hollywood woke up and tuned into the Internet!

The first season of Latinas En L.A. stars Sasha Ramos, Ana Asensio, Susan Artigas, and Karla Menjivar.

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