Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Economy > Non-profit Spotlight: Empowering Latino families to seek a higher quality of life

Non-profit Spotlight: Empowering Latino families to seek a higher quality of life

LatinaLista — One of the core values of Chicago-based Casa Central is the belief that everyone has the potential to improve their quality of life.

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That simple belief is what has spurred the success and longevity of Casa Central since its founding in 1954. Founded by a variety of religious leaders at the time, the non-profit opened its doors for the express purpose of providing social services to the local Latino population.

Today, Casa Central has a staff of over 400 making it the largest Hispanic social service agency in Chicago and possibly the United States. The organization offers program for the very young to seniors.

Sensitive to cultural differences, staff at Casa Central tailor programs to meet the needs of their clients whether that’s in their offices or in the client’s own home. For example, Casa Central offers a home-based Head Start program where trained educators work with children, ages three to five, and their parents in their homes. Through the program, parents are taught to understand their children’s growth and development needs.

Casa Central addresses needs of their seniors with health programs and opportunities to earn a little extra money by participating in the center’s foster grandparent program.

Overall, the main objective of Casa Central is to help nurture every member of a family.

Family and community are central parts of the Hispanic paradigm. Through its programs geared towards nurturing, maintaining and empowering “nuestras familias”, Casa Central ensures that those who need help to keep their families together and their communities empowered, have access to qualified social workers, trainers, and facilities that help them take the next step in their development.

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