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Non-profit Spotlight: Helping single moms attain their college degrees

LatinaLista — As noted in yesterday’s post, the life of a single parent college student is tough!

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Trying to juggle limited cash between books and day care is enough to make any sane person go loca. For single mom college students in Phoenix, Arizona, there’s help.

Helping Hands for Single Moms provides monthly $255 scholarships to single mom students to help them finish their degrees. The money can be used for anything. In addition, the organization provides the women with a unique support group comprised of other single mom students who meet on a monthly basis.

The organization also helps moms with: assistance towards internet service; tech assistance for computers and software; AAA towing; assistance with auto repairs; limited dental & medical care for Mom; hair cut and style; holiday gift assistance; carpet cleaning; budget management; mentoring and tutoring and supplies them with a bookstore gift card.

The moms have to meet certain criteria to be eligible for the program. They must retain a 2.5 GPA; take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester; have at least one child under the age of 11 living with them; be a U.S. citizen, attend and participate in the monthly meetings and be a responsible participant in the program.

In addition to asking for monetary donations so that scholarship monies can be provided to the moms, the wish list of Helping Hands for Single Moms includes other items not usually asked for from non-profits, like: medical, dental, hair styling, optical and legal services for the women, used cars and an interesting wish — “a Single Mom College Community Center for moms and their children.”

Several members of the Class of 2009 are featured on the website with updates on their academic success. One such young mom exemplifies the character of all single moms who want a better life for them and their children:

Michelle received her Bachelor’s degree in non-profit administration. She is continuing on at Arizona State University for a Master’s. Michelle has a handicapped child and hopes to start her own non-profit to serve special needs children.

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