Latina Lista > Life Issues > Education > Project focuses lens on Latinos and Muslim Americans to showcase “humanity within misunderstood cultures”

Project focuses lens on Latinos and Muslim Americans to showcase “humanity within misunderstood cultures” — Over the last several months, Latina Lista has featured a number of worthwhile community projects that were in the running for Pepsi Refresh Project.

To “refresh” our memories, the project was created by the marketing department at Pepsico last year who thought they could do a better job of connecting with consumers through a social media project rather than just spend several million dollars on a one-time ad during the Super Bowl game.

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They were right. Because of their initiative to fund those projects that garnered the most votes, a lot of good has been created in communities across the country. It’s reported that Pepsico wants to take the project internationally.

Well, in doing research for this post, I came across news of another worthwhile project whose organizers have applied to the Pepsi Refresh Challenge. The project is titled the Peace Frame. Currently, they’re in 56th place. Though it’s low, it’s actually not bad considering over 1,000 projects are vying for the prize money.

In reading more about the project, I was intrigued with their goal and their tagline: “Create Videos that Display the Humanity within Misunderstood Cultures.”

According to their quote:

We are a group dedicated to bringing transformation in Visual Media. We have seen and experienced the destructive implications that poor media has produce: Stereotypes, Racism, War. We are passionate about bringing justice into mainstream media through displaying the dignity and humanity of cultures.

Ironically, or not, the group is based in Arizona. If they should win the $25,000 prize money, they want to:

  • Create 7 Video Documentaries about different Latino Americans
  • Create 7 Video Documentaries about different Muslim Americans
  • Advertise 2 Videos in Movie Theaters
  • Advertise 2 Videos through Television
  • Advertise All 14 Videos through World Wide Web

Today is the last day for voting. At a time in history when assumptions are made based on distorted rhetoric, such a project like the Peace Frame is not only needed but imperative to help people see each other for who we really are and not the pictures painted by biases and preconceived ideas.

To vote for the Peace Frame, check out the Pepsi Refresh page or text 104994 to 73774

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