Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > Rates for preterm births increase as Latinas of child-bearing age on track to reach 11 million

Rates for preterm births increase as Latinas of child-bearing age on track to reach 11 million

LatinaLista — By next year, the US Census Bureau projects that there will be an increase of Latinas of child-bearing age (15-44 years) reaching 11 million versus a decrease from 38.8 million in 2006 to 37.4 million in 2010 for non-Hispanic white women.

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Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of Hispanic women of childbearing age is projected to increase 92%, compared with 88% for Asians and 10% for black women. The proportion of non-Hispanic white women of childbearing age is projected to decline 30% during this same time period.

Because of increase of Latinas having children, the issue of babies born prematurely takes greater significance. In 2004, 1 in 8 Latino births was born too soon. It’s been recognized that Puerto Rican women have the highest rates of birthing premature babies and women from Central and South America the lowest.

Overall, U.S. rates for preterm births are increasing.

In honor of November being Prematurity Awareness Month, the March of Dimes has created the Fight for Preemies campaign.

As a way to raise money for research on why some babies die too soon, the campaign has created an opportunity for everyone to design their own virtual wristband to honor the babies, or one in particular, who died prematurely.

A step-by-step process guides users to design the virtual band with the baby’s name. A personal message can be included that would be written on the inside of the band. After the design of the bracelet is finished, users are taken to a donation page where they can donate an amount in honor of the baby. Afterwards, bands will be on display at the March of Dimes website where others can submit donations in memory of the baby as well.

The campaign’s web site also offers a host of information about prematurity and what women and families can expect during a scary ending of a pregnancy.

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