Latina Lista > Columns & Features > Global Views > Reggae group creates special song to raise money to “solar electrify” hospitals and clinics in Haiti

Reggae group creates special song to raise money to “solar electrify” hospitals and clinics in Haiti

LatinaLista — As Mother Nature continues to show her strength around the world, we are reminded that there does exist rich countries and poor countries. The poor countries still suffer from the effects of natural disasters long after they happen.


Such is the case with Haiti.

The impact of the massive earthquake in Haiti can still be felt though it’s been almost 8 months since it happened. Progress to rebuild is slow and even slower in the highlands of the island nation where the demand in these mountain villages for healthcare has increased but clinics in the area have no access to electricity or fuel to run their generators.

The solution for these clinics is solar energy — but it takes money.

The Grammy-winning reggae band Steel Pulse has joined with the parent company of these clinics, Partners In Health, and the solar energy firm The Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) to raise money to “solar electrify” all of the Partners in Health clinics and hospitals in Haiti.

David Hinds, lead singer of Steel Pulse, wrote and recorded Hold On [4 Haiti] which can be downloaded for a donation at the new web site created especially to raise money for the clinics.

100 percent of the proceeds go to Haiti.

Explained Mr. Hinds: “Because the initial media coverage has waned considerably, we want to revitalize the focus on Haiti’s plight. We wrote Hold On [4 Haiti] to support the people of Haiti through the work being done by the Solar Electric Light Fund and Partners In Health. We’ve got to make a real difference on the ground – that’s what this project is all about.”

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