Latina Lista > General > Report highlighting Latinas smart shopping habits don’t tell the whole story

Report highlighting Latinas smart shopping habits don’t tell the whole story

LatinaLista — The headline says what most Latino families have known all their lives — Hispanic Women Are Smartest Shoppers: Study.

According to the study conducted by WSL/Strategic Retail, an authority on shopper behavior and retail trends, Latinas are so smart because among all women there are certain things we routinely do before we shop: gather our coupons and not embarrassed to shop at dollar stores or deep discount stores.

In other words, Latinas are on the hunt to find deals and because of that we are early adopters of technology that helps us accomplish that. For example, the study’s authors say that Latinas use mobile devices and do comparative search online for products.

Some of the stats pulled from the report regarding Latina thriftiness include:

  • Nearly 60 percent of Hispanic women use apps to search for the lowest price.
  • 53 percent make it a point to search online before going shopping.
  • 53 percent are using their mobile devices in the store to find electronic coupons, sales and discount codes.
  • 75 percent are using traditional coupons to get the lowest sale price
  • 54 percent only buy items that are on sale.
  • 63 percent will travel further to shop at a store where they can save money.
  • 43 percent will buy a pre-owned product if it lets them get a brand that they couldn’t afford new.

While the shopping habits of Latinas are admirable, they are the result of necessity for the majority. Incomes that leave little extra money to feed the family, pay the rent, buy food, school supplies, etc. call for creative inventiveness in getting the most bang for the buck — and that’s the real Latina talent.

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