Latina Lista > Life Issues > Health > Site offers a new way to talk about sex — twentysomething style

Site offers a new way to talk about sex — twentysomething style

LatinaLista — When we think of “unwanted pregnancies,” the first thought is usually of teens but the truth of the matter is it happens to anyone who doesn’t take precautions in their sexual activities.
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In fact, it’s found that especially among twentysomethings, sex happens too often before both partners even really know each other.

Did you know that in the United States, seventy percent of pregnancies to unmarried women in their 20s are unplanned? Many of those pregnancies lead to single parenthood or abortion. Unplanned pregnancy to unmarried women in their 20s is widespread, crossing income, education, and racial boundaries.

Until now, there’s never been a site dedicated to twentysomethings to talk about their relationships. There is now.
It’s called Sex.Really. and it’s supposed to be a very relaxed and fun site where some serious questions get answered and everyone gets enlightened.
For example, a poll question at the site asks: “Have you ever started a relationship with sex?” and one site visitor asked: “Do the higher temperatures of hot tubs & jacuzzis help prevent pregnancy during water sex?”
The site features a blog, video, podcasts and it can be followed on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Admittedly, some of the videos are a hoot to watch — like the aggressive female — but there’s no doubt this is one of those topics that unless you have a Sex-in-the-city group of friends whom you can talk to about your relationships, this provides a nice substitute.
Above all, it causes everyone to stop and think — something that sex gets in the way of too much!

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