Latina Lista > Media > Social Media > Special project creates New Year challenge: Envision a 2020 headline

Special project creates New Year challenge: Envision a 2020 headline

LatinaLista — Everybody has an idea of what they want to work towards in their lives, or what should be accomplished in their countries and even in the world.

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When we envision goals for ourselves at this time of the year, it’s called resolutions. When we envision what we’d like to see our country or the world work towards, it’s sometimes called wishful thinking.

Well, a group of multi-issue think tanks and activist organizations under the umbrella group Progressive Ideas Network (PIN), has created a project titled Headline 2020 where they want everyone to envision what headline they want to see on — January 1, 2020.

The project organizers ask people to look 10 years out and imagine their hopes and dreams and goals for a shared future. In other words, they want to know what you think the world will look like in ten years.

To be a part of the project, submit your own headline as a comment at Headline 2020 or post it on Twitter using the hashtag #Headline2020 and the project organizers will grab it.

While the objective of the project’s organizers is “to understand the long-term goals of both individuals and organizations of civil society,” to the rest of us, a headline twenty years out could be seen as a future version of the American Dream — a dream that doesn’t just benefit one family or group, but the country or the world as a whole.

Now, that’s a headline!


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