Latina Lista > Life Issues > Education > Spotlight Non-profit: Promoting mental health and physical exercise helps families “Get-Right!”

Spotlight Non-profit: Promoting mental health and physical exercise helps families “Get-Right!”

LatinaLista — Physical health is all the rage these days, spearheaded by the First Lady’s “Let’s Move!” campaign. Yet, as much as people devote time to exercise, not enough think about their mental health.


When it comes to families and their hectic schedules, both aspects of health get put on the backburner, in the hopes school activities and teachers can fill in those gaps for parents.

But in this day and age of accountability, one woman, Xiomara Sosa, believes parents have to take control of their families’ mental and physical well-being. However,Sosa, a mental health coach, knew most parents didn’t know where to turn to for help in finding information.

In 2010, Sosa created Get-Right! to empower families to cultivate healthy lifestyles and recognize the symptoms of mental health distress and, most importantly, what to do about it.

From articles on physical fitness and advice on exercises to a directory of mental health illnesses to tips on meditation, Get-Right! is a source that enables people to become pro-active about their entire mental and physical health.

There is even a hyperlinked section for veterans and their families to a site that helps identify symptoms of stress and how to cope with it.

Perhaps, the strength of Get-Right! is in the partnerships they are creating with organizations to help reach more families.

Children who are not taught how to appropriately handle stress, illness, life challenges, health problems, learning disabilities, and much more can learn maladaptive ways to overcome them.

Overall health in the United States continues to be a very serious problem for a large portion of the population. That is why Get-Right! is committed as part of its mission to combat negative stigma and stereotyping about mental health and physical health by partnering with organizations that are working to break down those barriers.

Get-Right! also collaborates with initiatives and projects that raise awareness about mental health and physical health.

In these times, no one can afford to get it wrong, and everyone needs all the help we can get, when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle for a happy and successful future.

(Editor’s note: Get Right! founder, Xiomara Sosa, was named along with Latina Lista publisher, Marisa Treviño, a recipient of Catalina magazine’s “Groundbreaking Latina” awards.)

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