Latina Lista > Causes > Nonprofit > Spotlight Nonprofit: Fashion industry veteran helps Latina students “sew up” their career dreams

Spotlight Nonprofit: Fashion industry veteran helps Latina students “sew up” their career dreams

LatinaLista — It’s a safe bet to say that every Latino family has at least one person who sews. For some, their family sewer should really be called the family designer, especially if they make their own patterns. Yet, for all the Latinas and Latinos who sew, it’s a puzzle as to why there are not more Hispanic fashion designers. The reason could be as simple as there not being enough role models in the fashion industry for them.

That’s what Roseanna Garcia thought. A veteran of the fashion industry for 15 years, Garcia realized that not enough Latinas were advancing in the industry she’s loved since she was 7-years-old and first learning to sew. So, in 2006, from her home office, Garcia decided to create a space where Latinas and Latinos could learn about the fashion industry.

Calling her project Latina Fashionista, Garcia provides workshops, mentoring by professionals in the industry and site visits to fashion expos and apparel manufacturers to students who want to pursue a career in the industry. She also holds an annual conference and is beginning to award scholarships.

Since starting Latina Fashionista, Garcia has served over 1,000 aspiring fashion students.

On her site, Garcia provides a handy overview of all the jobs within the fashion industry — not all require sewing. From textile designer and fabric and trim buyer to production manager and fashion writer, there are about ten different careers within the industry.

Garcia also provides the success stories of past Latina Fashionista students who are now on their way to “sewing up” their dreams.

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