Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Causes > Nonprofit > Spotlight: Al Frente de Lucha leads the fight for Weld County, CO Latinos to have a voice

Spotlight: Al Frente de Lucha leads the fight for Weld County, CO Latinos to have a voice

LatinaLista — Al Frente de Lucha Community Center , based in Weld County, Colorado develops and implements a variety of programs to help the local Chicano/Mexicano community address critical community issues. Issues range from combatting the Latino dropout rate to assisting those families impacted by local work site raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In addition, Al Frente de Lucha provides information to the community on how to participate in the decision-making of local policy and programs affecting their lives.

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Al Frente de Lucha is run by Ricardo Romer and Priscilla Falcon. Both Ricardo and Priscilla were a big part of the Chicano movement in Colorado.

Under their direction, Al Frente has been the voice for many in their community as they continue to help families who may not be eligble to receive services from other agencies.


Understanding that among Latino youth there is a need to learn more about Latino history and culture, Romer and Falcon created The Tierra Amarilla Youth Brigades-Leadership Institute (T.A.Y.B.).

The T.A.Y.B. is a camp that consists of culturally relevant classes and various work projects that develop and broaden the life experiences of the young people they serve.

As Latina Lista reader Rhonda Solis wrote, “I am very proud to have Al Frente in our community and I’m not sure what the families would have done without them.”

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