Latina Lista > Life Issues > Health > Spotlight Non-profit: Creating a place in society for Hispanic elderly

Spotlight Non-profit: Creating a place in society for Hispanic elderly

LatinaLista–According to the U.S. Census, thirteen percent of the total population is 65 years and older, with Latino elderly comprising six percent of that total population.

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Latinos are touted as the fastest growing ethnic group in the nation. The National Hispanic Council on Aging projects that by 2030 the Hispanic elderly will comprise 11.2 percent of the United States elderly population and by 2050, 17.5 percent.

When that happens, the demand for services specifically tailored for Latino elderly will be high.

Fortunately, there is an organization already meeting the demands and needs of Latino elderly and it’s been doing it since 1975.

The California-based National Association for Hispanic Elderly (Asociación Nacional Por Personas Mayores) (ANPPM) takes a holistic approach to helping Hispanic seniors.

Not just focused on healthcare or other traditional “senior issues,” the ANPPM also helps seniors with employment issues, low-income housing, retirement planning and how to prepare for natural disasters.

The organization also provides free easy-to-read bilingual booklets on topics ranging from diabetes to managing finances.

In keeping with the goal of providing a holistic approach to meeting the changing needs of Hispanic seniors, the ANPPM also partners with technology companies to improve access to the Internet for Hispanic senior citizens as well.

There is one underlying goal that drives the ANPPM to service the Latino elderly in such a fashion:

We believe in the right of each human being to have a decent and dignified life. Because of this belief, we attempt to provide some visible means of achieving such a way of life, especially for low-income older persons, many of whom, because of language and cultural differences, are more vulnerable than their contemporaries 

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