Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > Spotlight Non-profit: Home for troubled youth shows all it takes is a little love and mercy

Spotlight Non-profit: Home for troubled youth shows all it takes is a little love and mercy

LatinaLista —  When some children don’t get along with their parents, they get mad, go to their room, slam the door and stew until they’ve calmed down and get hungry. For other kids, it’s not so easy.

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For the kids who are abused by their parents, neglected or hurting, a slammed door isn’t enough to keep the problems of the world away. These children are typically known as the “throw-away kids.” They either get thrown out of the house by their parents or guardians or run away.

They’re not bad kids but they are in bad situations and don’t know how to cope with the cards they’ve been dealt. That’s where Chicago’s Mercy Home for Boys & Girls comes in.

Mercy Home doesn’t just pick up the kids, house them for a little while and send them on their way. It’s a long-term residential center where the children, ages 11-21, get the kind of support they should have been getting from their families.

At Mercy Home, we heal our children by giving them a safe home and helping them to realize their full potential. We give our children round-the-clock care and support, therapy, tutoring and mentoring. Through our support and love, we spark our children’s dreams and turn them into realities.

Mercy Home has been around since 1887 and the stream of children who need the supporting environment of Mercy Home is as long as ever. Though Mercy Home holds a variety of fundraisers throughout the year, it gets 99 percent of its money from individuals who know how important it is to give children a safe and loving home so they can be happy and successful adults.

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